Ancient Skulls From Ukraine Reveal Early Modern Humans Came From The East – How did our species, Homo sapiens, arrive in Western Europe? Published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, our new study analyzes two skull fragments dating back between 37,000 and 36,000 years to conclude that our ancestors came from Eastern Europe and migrated westwards. These two individuals interbred with Neanderthals and with the very first European Homo sapiens, […]

There Is Evidence Humans Reached North America 130,000 Years Ago – Archaeologist Says

Conny Waters – – The never-ending debate about when the first humans reached North America continues. This time an archeologist says there is evidence humans reached the American continent 130,000 years ago! This statement challenges the  ‘Clovis First’ theory that has been the subject of heated debates lately. Credit: Adobe Stock – Gorodenkoff Scientists […]

The Americas Were Not Populated Via The Ice-Free Corridor More Than 15,600 Years Ago – New Study Of Boulders Reveals

Jan Bartek – – How and when did the first people reach the Americas has been debated for decades. Most scientists agree the first humans to inhabit America came from Eurasia. The problem is that the timeline and route of the first arrivals are still unclear. A new study now reveals that the Americas […]