Archaeologists Have Discovered A Mummy Wrapped In Gold – Here’s What It Tells Us About Ancient Egyptian Beliefs – In January 2023, a group of archaeologists excavating tombs in the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, near Cairo, discovered the mummified remains of a man named Hekashepes, who lived circa 2300BC. Found inside a limestone sarcophagus in a burial shaft, the body and its wrappings are unusually well preserved for the period. In the 5th century […]

Major Discovery Of A Complete Ancient Roman City In Luxor, Egypt

Jan Bartek – – Scientists excavating in Egypt have made a major archaeological discovery. In the heart of the southern city of Luxor, the Egyptian archaeological team uncovered a 1,800-year-old city. According to a press announcement by Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, this is a”complete residential city from the Roman era.” Credit: Ministry of […]

3,500-Year-Old Tomb Discovered In Luxor – Who Is The Royal Buried Inside?

Jan Bartek – – A team of archaeologists excavating in Luxor, Egypt, has announced the discovery of a mysterious ancient tomb. According to Mostafa Waziri, head of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, the tomb was unearthed by Egyptian and British researchers on the west bank of the River Nile, where the famous Valley of […]

Looted Green Coffin Of Ancient Egyptian Priest Returned To Egypt From US

Conny Waters – – The sarcophagus belonged to an ancient Egyptian priest of Heracleopolis city, Ankh In Maat, and dates from the Late Period (664-332 BC). Known as the “Green Coffin” the sarcophagus was recently discovered and returned on Monday from the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences in the United States after it had […]

New Archaeological Discoveries In The Temple Of Khnum At Esna, Luxor

Jan Bartek – – The ancient temple of Khnum at Esna in Luxor, Egypt, continues to reveal its secrets. Scientists have been busy restoring the Esna Temple for some years now, and more reliefs and inscriptions around 2,000 years old have been revealed to the public. Not long ago, scientists announced they had finished part of […]

Magnificent Ancient Egyptian Gold And Soapstone Jewelry Discovered At Tell El-Amarna Necropolis

Jan Bartek- –  Archaeologists excavating at Tell El-Amarna necropolis in Minya governorate in Upper Egypt have unearthed a burial containing magnificent ancient jewelry. The English Egyptian archaeological mission of Cambridge University has been working in the Northern General Front since 2010 to study the social and economic condition of the residents of Tel Amarna, […]

Scientists Reveal What Egyptian Faience Have To Do With Gold

Jan Bartek – – The ancient city of Athribis in the Nile Delta in Egypt was once an.  important political center. Archaeological excavations at the site have resulted in the discovery of many interesting artifacts and remains of baths, craft workshops, and an ancient villa, all unearthed by a Polish-Egyptian archaeological mission operating there […]

Pyramid Of Unknown Ancient Egyptian Queen And Hundreds Of Mummies Discovered In Saqqara

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists excavating in Saqqara, Egypt, have discovered a pyramid dedicated to an unknown ancient Egyptian queen. Who was the mysterious Queen, and why is she unfamiliar to historians and Egyptologists? Could another ancient structure nearby shed more light on this Egyptian puzzle? A pyramid built for Queen Neith was one […]

Mysterious Pyramid Of Menkaure Remains An Ancient Puzzle

Ellen Lloyd – – Pyramids are frighteningly anonymous structures. Pharaohs built huge and well-constructed pyramids, tombs, and temples to glorify themselves and to be remembered after death, but their bodies were never inside these structures. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three main Pyramids of Giza, located on the Giza Plateau in […]

Mysterious Hieroglyphs Point To The Location Of Queen Neferтιтi’s Tomb?

Conny Waters – – Scientists are optimistic and think the mystery of Neferтιтi’s tomb may soon be solved. Egypt is a land where archaeologists regularly find ancient treasures, but the location of her tomb has so far remained an unsolved ancient mystery. However, the discovery of mysterious, hidden hieroglyphs within Tutankhamun’s tomb may point […]