Unique Ancient Half-Mummy Unearthed In Luxor, Egypt Mystifies Archaeologists

Conny Waters – AncientPAges.com – Archaeologists excavating in Egypt are used to finding ancient mummies, but this discovery is different. An odd, half-mummy unearthed in the necropolis in the Al-Asasif area in Luxor has confused scientists. The half-mummy was found in the tomb of Karabasken (TT 391) where scientists also came across four canopic jars […]

Where Were Herod The Great’s Royal Alabaster Bathtubs Quarried?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – From the Middle Bronze Age, Egypt played a crucial role in the appearance of calcite-alabaster artifacts in Israel, and the development of the local gypsum-alabaster industry. The absence of ancient calcite-alabaster quarries in the Southern Levant (modern day Israel and Palestine) led to the ᴀssumption that all calcite-alabaster vessels found […]

World’s First Recreated Ancient Egyptian Garden Is Now Open To The Public

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Have you ever wondered what an ancient Egyptian garden looked like? Now is your chance to find out! The world’s first ancient Egyptian garden has been recreated and it is now open to the public. The Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand are giving visitors an opportunity to step 4,000 years […]

Never-Before-Seen Colorful Inscriptions And Reliefs At The Esna Temple, Egypt Revealed After Restoration

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – For the first time in modern history, we are now able to see the colorfully detailed inscriptions on the ceilings and walls at the Esna Temple in Luxor, Egypt after a German-Egyptian archaeological mission finished its extensive restoration process. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Dedicated to God Khnum,  his […]

Ancient Egyptian Temple, 30 Mummy Cards, 85 Tombs And Surveillance Points From The Era Of Ptolemy IIIs Discovered In Sohag

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeological excavations in Egypt are a continuing success. The Egyptian archaeological mission working in the Jabal Al-Haridi region of Sohag, a city on the west bank of the Nile in Egypt has unearthed remains of an ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to Pharaoh Ptolemy III Euergetes, and 85 graves dating to […]

Mystery Of Egyptian Tomb 10A And The Mummy’s Head – A 4,000-Year-Old Crime

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – All ancient Egyptian tombs are unique, but some pose a greater mystery than others. In 1905, archaeologists excavating in the Egyptian necropolis of Deir el-Bersha discovered a hidden tomb that contained something unexpected. After 33 days of digging a 30-foot shaft, the archaeological team, led by archaeologists George Reisner and […]

Ancient Temple Dedicated To God Zeus Discovered In Sinai, Egypt

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – While excavating in  Tel Farama site in North Sinai, Egypt an archaeology team unearthed an ancient temple dedicated to God Zeus. “The remains, made of mudbricks, were found on a 170cm tall mount of debris and rubble. The mission also found a collection of marble blocks that might have once […]

Five Magnificent Engraved Ancient Tombs Discovered Near King Merenre Pyramid In Saqqara, Egypt

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An archaeology team excavating in Saqqara, Egypt has announced the discovery of five magnificent, well-preserved engraved tombs belonging to high-ranking individuals. The Saqqara necropolis and pyramid field of Memphis, the first Capital of Egypt, has been an important historical site for 5,000 years of Egyptian history, if not even longer. Pharaoh […]

Pharaonic Water Wells Discovered For The First Time Near ‘Horus Road’ In Sinai, Egypt

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – For the first time ever archaeologists have discovered water wells dating back to the Pharaonic times. The discovery was made by scientists who are part of the Egyptian Archaeological Mission working in the Tel-Kadwa region north of Sinai. Mount Sinai, known as Mount Horeb, is a mountain in the Sinai […]

Secret Hidden Freemasonic Messages Concealed In Ancient Egyptian Artifacts And Roman Works – Curious Stellar Symbol – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – In part 1, we talked about an ancient Egyptian artifact with an engraving that could have a somewhat different meaning than previously thought. Scholars are still uncertain regarding the purpose of the thousand-year-old object. This time we will focus our attention on ancient Roman texts that some writers think contain […]