Mystery Of The Langeid Viking Sword And Its Undeciphered ‘Magical’ Inscriptions

Jan Bartek – – Some years ago, one of the most extraordinary swords was discovered in a Viking burial ground in Langeid, Bygland, Setesdal, in southern Norway. All ancient swords are unique in different ways, but this one is unique from the late Viking Age, embellished with gold, inscriptions, and other ornamentation. The sword […]

Outstanding Discovery Of Unique Swords From The Viking Age Near Gausel Queen’s Grave

Conny Waters – – It happens every now and then that Viking swords are discovered but this finding is unique! As scientists ask – “What are the odds that two independent discoveries from the Viking Age fit together?” The story began last year when a small part of a sword was first found on […]

Evidence Foreigners Fought Alongside Ancient Greeks Is Challenging Millennia Of Military History – Ancient historians loved to write about warfare and famous battles. While these millennia-old stories still feed modern imaginations – Homer’s “Iliad” provides the plot for the movie “Troy,” while Herodotus’ “Histories Book VII” inspired the film “300,” for instance – there’s rarely any physical evidence that the events they describe really happened. But […]

Ancient Graffiti Unearthed At Roman Vindolanda Reveals What One Roman Thought Of Another

Jan Bartek – – Nestled in the picturesque Northumberland countryside, Vindolanda with its fort and settlement is a treasure trove of everyday life during the Roman occupation of Britain and beyond. The fort of Vindolanda, one of the earliest Roman garrisons, built by the Roman army in England, is one of Europe’s most important […]

Prehistoric Feces At Stonehenge Reveal The Earliest Evidence For Intestinal Parasites In The UK

Jan Bartek – – A new analysis of ancient faeces found at the site of a prehistoric village near Stonehenge has uncovered evidence of the eggs of parasitic worms, suggesting the inhabitants feasted on the internal organs of cattle and fed leftovers to their dogs. Durrington Walls was a Neolithic settlement situated just 2.8km […]

Strangest Maps Ever Created – You Have Never Seen Our World Like This!

Conny Waters – – In ancient times, people saw the world in a very different way. This collection of maps must be one of the strangest representations of world depictions ever created. Some of these maps are fantasy. As you can see, the shapes of the countries and continents are odd representations of figures […]

Controversial Statue Of Anglo-Norman Knight William Marshal In Pembroke Faces Criticism

Jan Bartek – – After three years of work a statue of famous Anglo-Norman knight William Marshal was unveiled on May 7, in Pembroke, Wales, but not everyone is happy about its presence in the town. William Marshal is considered by many, one of the greatest English knights and magnates of the Middle Ages.  […]

Schoolboy Finds A Huge 3,000,000-Year-Old Megalodon Shark Tooth On British Beach

Jan Bartek – – This must be a find of a lifetime! Sammy Shelton, a six-year-old boy in Uk went out looking for shells on Bawdsey Beach in Suffolk. Instead, he found a four-inch tooth that belonged to a huge 3,000,000-year-old megalodon shark. Sammy Shelton was out shell-hunting on Bawdsey Beach in Suffolk. Credit: […]

Rare Phoenician Necropolis Discovered In Andalucia, Spain Is Extraordinary, Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – – While upgrading water supplies in Andalucia, southern Spain, workers made an unexpected discovery when they came across a  well-preserved necropolis of subterranean limestone vaults used by the Phoenicians. The latter lived on the Iberian peninsula 2,500 years ago. The necropolis is extraordinary, scientists say. The newly uncovered Phoenician necropolis in […]

Incredibly Well-Preserved 1,000-Year-Old Wooden Ladder Discovered In The UK

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists in the UK have made many fascinating discoveries while excavating at a site known as Field 44 near the village of Tempsford in Central Bedfordshire. Some weeks ago, archaeologists working in the area announced the remains of a Roman malting oven that could be the earliest physical evidence for […]