Rare Viking Artifacts Hidden Beneath The Ice Discovered By Archaeologists In Norway

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – As the ice melts scientists have a good opportunity to discover prehistoric objects that were once used on a daily basis by ancient people. These rare artifacts have been buried beneath the cold snow for a long time and they offer a good window into the past and daily life […]

Never-Before-Seen 5,000-Year-Old Mysterious Monument On Isle Of Arran Discovered By LIDAR

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  The use of radar has once again resulted in a successful archaeological discovery. This time scientists conducted a laser scan of a region on the Isle of Arran in Scotland and they found something unexpected. Laser images reveal a never-before-seen monument that is estimated to be about 5,000-year-old. A 5,000-year-old […]

4,000-Year-Old Lunar Calendar Developed At Kokino Megalithic Observatory – Evidence Of Remarkable Astronomical Knowledge

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  All around the world there are magnificent ancient structures that show our ancestors have always been interested in studying the skies. Our interest in the cosmos is as old as humanity. Archaeological discoveries keep reminding us ancient people possessed more astronomical knowledge than previously thought. Megalithic Observatory Kokino near Kumanovo […]

Who Was The Mysterious Spitalfields Roman Noblewoman Dressed In Silk Found In A Sarcophagus In London?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Scientists are attempting to unravel the mystery of a Roman noblewoman who was buried in a sarcophagus under London’s Spitalfields market. Who was this woman? Why did she come to London? Her silk clothes, interwoven with fine gold thread made of 97 percent pure gold and coffin suggest she must […]

Unique Lost Runestone Of The Hunnestad Monument Finally Found After 300 Years In Sweden

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – A rush of joy overwhelmed archaeologists today when they discovered a unique runestone that has been lost for 300 years! The runestone was once part of the now destroyed Hunnestad monument, and no-one had hopes the stone would ever be found, but it has! The Hunnestad monument as depicted in […]

Mystery Of The Sandby Borg Mᴀssacre Deepens – Unexplained Disappearance Of Women

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – If you travel to the island of Öland in Sweden, many locals will tell you they still avoid going near Sandby Borg. It’s not because they are afraid or supersтιтious. Their reluctance to visit the place has its roots in the site’s horrible history. People do not know exactly what […]

Remains Of Medieval Port Discovered In Eindhoven

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists found remains of the medieval Stratumse Poort on the small square of Stratumseind in Eindhoven. They discovered what they believe is the remains of a gate wall, and the facing and posts of a bridge over the city canal, the city of Eindhoven announced. The municipality of Eindhoven commissioned […]

Odeuropa – Unusual Project Will Recreate The Smells Of Old Europe And Store The Scents In A Library

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Have you ever wondered what Europe smells like? Most likely it’s not something we think about on daily basis, but a group of scientists has now decided to create a library of scents, collecting, identifying, and even recreating the aroma that shaped our cultures. Professor Matija Strlic smells a historical […]

Silver Needle Dismissed As Trash Was Part Of A Stunning Viking Treasure Found By Farmer On Gotland

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Sometimes one should think twice before throwing away objects that may appear to have no value. About 40 years ago, farmer Håkan Linder discovered something unusual while plowing a field on Gotland in Sweden. On the ground, he found a needle. He thought it was made of tin and he […]

Controversial Tunnel Plan Near Stonehenge Gets U.K. Government Approval – Shocked And Angry Opponents Will Challenge The Decision In High Court

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – What many hoped would never happen has occurred. After years of protests from Druids, archaeologists, scientists and the public in general, the U.K. Government has granted permission for the construction of a controversial tunnel near Stonehenge, an ancient UNESCO World Heritage Site of huge historical significance that dates back some […]