290-Million-Year-Old Bird-Like Footprints Left By Unknown Animals Found In Africa
Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – Ancient animals were walking around on bird-like feet over 210 million years ago, according to a new study. Numerous fossil sites in southern Africa preserve distinctive three-toed footprints that have been named Trisauropodiscus. For many years, researchers have debated what animals might have left these tracks, as well as precisely how […]

Oldest Fossil Human Footprints In North America Confirmed
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – New research reaffirms that human footprints found in White Sands National Park, NM, date to the Last Glacial Maximum, placing humans in North America thousands of years earlier than once thought. In September 2021, scientists announced that ancient human footprints discovered in White Sands National Park were between 21,000 and […]

Ancient Footprints Offer Evidence Humans Wore Shoes 150,000 Years Ago – Scientists Say
AncientPages.com – When and where did our ancestors first fashion footwear? We cannot look to physical evidence of shoes for the answer, as the perishable materials from which they were made would no longer be evident. Ichnology, the study of fossil tracks and traces, can help to answer this unresolved question through a search for […]

What Can Fossil Footprint Discoveries Tell Us About The Past?
AncientPages.com – Footprints on a sandy surface don’t usually last long: they’re washed away by water, wiped out by wind or covered over by new tracks. At certain sites in southern Africa, though, some traces of animals have lasted for many thousands or even millions of years—fleeting moments preserved in sand that turned to rock. […]

World’s Oldest Homo Sapiens Footprint Identified On South Africa’s Cape South Coast
AncientPages.com – Just over two decades ago, as the new millennium began, it seemed that tracks left by our ancient human ancestors dating back more than about 50,000 years were excessively rare. Only four sites had been reported in the whole of Africa at that time. Two were from East Africa: Laetoli in Tanzania and Koobi Fora in Kenya; […]

There Is A Problem With The Footprints Claimed As Evidence Of Ice Age Humans In North America – Scientists Say
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The wide expanse of an ancient lakebed in New Mexico holds the preserved footprints of life that roamed millennia ago. Giant sloths and mammoths left their mark, and alongside them, signs of our human ancestors. Research published in September 2021 claimed that these footprints are “definitive evidence of human occupation […]

88 Ice Age Human Footprints In Utah Desert Shed New Light On Ancient Americans
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Last month, scientists announced human footprints believed to date from the end of the last Ice Age had been discovered on the salt flats of the Air Force’s Utah Testing and Training Range (UTTR) by Cornell researcher Thomas Urban in forthcoming research. Urban and Daron Duke, of Far Western Anthropological […]

Surprising Discovery Of 88 Ice Age Human Footprints In Utah Desert
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Human footprints believed to date from the end of the last Ice Age have been discovered on the salt flats of the Air Force’s Utah Testing and Training Range (UTTR) by Cornell researcher Thomas Urban in forthcoming research. Urban and Daron Duke, of Far Western Anthropological Research Group, were driving […]

23,000-Year-Old Footprints Are Earliest Evidence Of Human Activity Found In The Americas
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Footprints found at White Sands National Park in New Mexico provide the earliest unequivocal evidence of human activity in the Americas and offer insight into life over 23,000 years ago. The footprints were formed in soft mud on the margins of a shallow lake that now forms part of Alkali Flat, a […]