Lost Mayan City Hidden Deep In The Peten Jungle Discovered By Expedition Team

Lost Mayan City Hidden Deep In The Peten Jungle Discovered By Expedition Team

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  It is impossible to say how many ancient cities may still be hidden in the remote, inaccessible jungle of Guatemala. Exploration of these territories is extremely difficult and often dangerous, but there are those who are not discouraged by fearsome animals roaming the jungle or other dangers one may encounter […]

Hidden Ancient Citadel In The Mayan City Of Tikal Discovered By LIDAR

Hidden Ancient Citadel In The Mayan City Of Tikal Discovered By LIDAR

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Scientists have been excavating the ruins of Tikal, an ancient Maya city in modern-day Guatemala, since the 1950s—and thanks to those many decades spent documenting details of every structure and cataloging each excavated item, Tikal has become one of the best understood and most thoroughly studied archaeological sites in the […]