Yazılıkaya: One Of The Most Striking Religious Shrines Of The Hitтιтe Empire

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – The fascinating ancient Hitтιтe sanctuary of Yazilikaya (‘rock with writing’) lies between rock outcroppings at the foot of the high ridge east of Hattusha, 170 kilometers east of Ankara and near the small town Boğazköy (Turkish: “Gorge Village”) modern Boğazkale, Turkey. Lion Gate, Hattusa, Turkey. Image credit: Bernard Gagnon – CC BY-SA […]

Magnificent Hattusa: Capital Of The Hitтιтe Empire

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – Hattusa was the capital of the kingdom of the Hitтιтes in the late Bronze Age.  In the 2nd millennium BC, the kingdom stretched from the Aegean across Anatolia, Turkey, northern Syria, and to the Euphrates River. In ancient times, it was a great city, and even today, its magnificent ruins attest […]