A Tooth That Rewrites History? The Discovery Challenging What We Knew About Neanderthals

AncientPages.com – For generations, Neanderthals have been a source of fascination for scientists. This species of ancient hominim inhabited the world for around 500,000 years until they suddenly disappeared around 40,000 years ago. Today, the cause of their extinction remains a mystery. Credit: Adobe Stock – iridescentstreet Archaeologist Ludovic Slimak and his team have spent […]

New Path For Early Human Migrations Contradicts A Single ‘Out Of Africa’ Theory

AncientPages.com – Our species, Homo sapiens, migrated out of Africa multiple times – reaching the Levant and Arabia between 130,000 and 70,000 years ago, as exemplified by human fossils and archaeological sites found at various locations. A general view of Wadi Gharandal riverine wetland, along the Jordan Rift Valley, showing palm trees concentrated at the centre […]

Archaeologist Ludovic Slimak Wants To Rewrite The History Of Early Humans In Europe

AncientPages.com – The French archaeologist Ludovic Slimak has spent the past 30 years rummaging fields and caves from the Horn of Africa to the Artic Circle, and, of course, his beloved Rhône Valley in France. For the past year and a half, his team of 45 researchers have been on a roll, publishing paper after […]

What Can New Method Radiocarbon 3.0 Reveal About The Interaction Between Homo Sapiens And Neanderthals?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – It is called radiocarbon 3.0, the newest method in radiocarbon dating, and promises to reveal valuable new insights about key events in the earliest human history, starting with the interaction between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals in Europe. This is shown by the combination of updated radiocarbon pretreatment, the latest AMS […]

80,000-Year-Old Bone Tools Discovered In South Africa Sheds New Light How Homo Sapiens Evolved

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Until the beginning of this century, the production of fully worked bone tools was considered an innovation introduced in Europe around 40,000 years ago by modern humans. Over the last two decades, research has led to the discovery of bone tools in several regions of Africa, some of which could […]

Neanderthal Extinction May Have Been Caused By Sєx, Not Fighting – New Study Suggests

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A new paper proposes that Homo sapiens may have been responsible for the extinction of Neanderthals not by violence, but through Sєx instead. Making love, not war, might have been responsible for putting the Neanderthals on a path to extinction. Credit: Adobe Stock – Gorodenkoff While about 2% of the genome of all […]

Homo Sapiens Survived In The Kalahari Desert More Than 20,000 Years Ago – Stone Age Discovery Shows

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Researchers have discovered Homo sapiens did indeed live and survive in the Kalahari Desert more than 20,000 years ago. Griffith University archaeologist Dr. Jayne Wilkins said the general ᴀssumption is that the Kalahari is a harsh environment not suitable for early human survival, however, they did indeed live there and thrive.   […]

What Routes Did Homo Sapiens Take On His Way From Africa To Europe And Asia? Out Of Africa Path Examined

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – What routes did Homo sapiens take on his way from Africa to Europe and Asia in the previous millennia? The climatic conditions changed, and with them the living conditions. The advance was hampered in some places by deserts, in others by dense forests. Over the past twelve years, a team […]

What Happened To The Homo Sapiens In The Thar Desert When They Encountered The Indian Monsoon System

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The longest lasting tool-making tradition in prehistory, known as the Acheulean, appears more than 1.5 million years ago in Africa and 1.2 million years ago in India, and mainly consists of stone handaxes and cleavers (Figure 1). New research led by the Max Planck Insтιтute for the Science of Human […]