Ancient Magical Bowls Inscribed With Spells And Other Rare Artifacts Seized In Jerusalem Raid

Jan Bartek – – Hundreds of ancient finds, including rare bone and ivory artifacts from the biblical period, were seized during an operation by the Antiquities Authority’s robbery prevention unit and the Lev HaBira police against a Jerusalem resident suspected of illegal trade in antiquities. The bowls were probably created in what is now […]

1.5 Million-Year-Old Human Vertebra Discovered In Israel’s Jordan Valley Sheds New Light On Migration From Africa To Eurasia

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have discovered a 1.5 million-year-old human vertebra in Israel’s Jordan Valley. According to a new study, ancient human migration from Africa to Eurasia was not a one-time event but occurred in waves. The first wave reached the Republic of Georgia in the Caucasus approximately 1.8 million years ago. The […]

What Was Asphalt Doing On A 9,000-Year-Old Skull Discovered In The Judean Desert

Jan Bartek – – The Judean Desert is a unique time capsule for archeologists: thanks to the arid conditions that prevail there, its caves preserve ancient artifacts made of organic materials, which would have otherwise decayed and disappeared under normal conditions. An example of a cave where fascinating finds were uncovered is the Nahal […]

How Saul, A Farmer Boy Became The First King Of Israel

Ellen Lloyd – – One of the most important and interesting people mentioned in the Bible is King Saul, the first monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel. Knowledge of King Saul can be found in the Old Testament, the Book of Samuel, and the accounts paint a vivid portrait of the monarch’s dramatical […]

Stone Toilet Of A First Temple Period Luxury Villa Reveals The Jerusalem Elite Suffered From Infectious Disease

Jan Bartek – – A new study by Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority has exposed the remains of 2,700-year-old intestinal worm eggs below the stone toilet of a magnificent private estate. The egg remnants belong to four different types of intestinal parasites: roundworm, tapeworm, whipworm, and pinworm. According to the researchers, […]

Ancient Bronze Ring Bearing The Image Of St. Nicholas May Have Been Worn For Protection

Jan Bartek – – This weekend, Christmas was celebrated worldwide and here in Israel, with decorated fir trees, colorful lights, and of course with hats and figures of the famous bearded man – Santa Claus! Several years ago, an Israeli gardener named Dekel Ben sнιтrit found an intriguing object in the Jezreel Valley. Credit: […]

Never-Before-Seen Magnificent 2,000-Year-Old Second Temple Found By Western Wall In Jerusalem Revealed To The Public

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have unearthed the remains of a 2,000-year-old building in Jerusalem. The lavish Second Temple was destroyed by Romans, but the public has now been granted a unique opportunity to explore the magnificent building that is of great historical value. Remains of the magnificent 2000-year-old building recently excavated and due […]

A 1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Accidentally Unearthed In Ancient City Of Yavne, Israel

Conny Waters – – A 1,600-year-old mosaic was recently discovered during archaeological excavations in the central town of Yavne, Israel. An impressive old mosaic will be placed on public display at the city’s cultural center. A 1,600-year-old mosaic on display in Yavne on April 26, 2021. Image credit: ᴀssaf Peretz, Israeli Antiquities Authority This […]

Rare 2,700-Year-Old Seal Of Biblical King Jeroboam II’s Servant Confirmed Authentic

Jan Bartek – – The rare, 2,700-year-old seal of Biblical King Jeroboam II’s servant has long been considered a forgery, but new chemical analysis proves the bulla’s authenticity. It’s a very important discovery that provides information about Biblical events and insight into the ancient history of Israel. The inscribed clay, known as a bulla, […]

Evidence Of Ancient Gigantic Tsunami That Struck Tel Dor Maritime City Mound, Israel

Conny Waters – – Underwater excavation suggests a mᴀssive paleo-tsunami struck near the ancient settlement of Tel Dor between 9,910 to 9,290 years ago. Tel Dor was a maritime city-mound occupied from the Middle Bronze II period (2000-1550 BCE) through the Crusader period. In this study, researchers describe a large tsunami (between 9,910 to […]