Ancient Maya Reservoirs Can Solve Today’s Water Crises – Scientists Say
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – There is much to be learned from many ancient civilizations. Ancient Maya reservoirs, which used aquatic plants to filter and clean the water, ‘can serve as archetypes for natural, sustainable water systems to address future water needs,’ according to a new study. Tikal, Grand Plaza. Credit: Adobe Stock – Matyas […]

Ancient Maya Nose Ornament Made Of Human Bone Discovered In Palenque
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists excavating at the Archaeological Zone of Palenque in southern Mexico report they have found an ancient Maya nose ornament made of human bone. It is the first time scientists have come across an artifact like this one in the ancient city of Palenque. Archaeological Zone of Palenque. Credit: INAH […]

Secret Behind Ancient Durable Maya Plaster Discovered
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Ancient Maya produced some of the most durable lime plasters on Earth, yet how this was achieved remains a secret. With its magnificent structures, many of which still stand today, the ancient Maya city of Copán in western Honduras offers evidence of ancient Maya masons’ sophisticated skills. Copán, Honduras. Credit: […]

Unpredictable Rainfall May Have Caused Disintegration Of Early Maya Societies
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Reduced predictability of seasonal rainfall might have played a significant role in the disintegration of Classic Maya societies about 1,100 years ago. “Decline in seasonal predictability potentially destabilized Classic Maya societies” is a new study recently published in Communications Earth & Environment. University of New Mexico archaeologist Keith Prufer is among […]

Exceptional Collection Of Well-Preserved Stucco Masks Of The Mayan Kingdom Reveal Their Secrets
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – An exceptional collection of well-preserved stucco maks examined by experts are now revealing their secrets shedding light on the ancient Maya kingdom. Archaeologist Juan Yadeun Angulo has found several ancient artifacts, among which many masks stand out, with various representations in stucco and sculptures, which give an idea of the […]

Rare Ancient Underwater Maya Ruins And Salt Kitchens Discovered
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists in Belize have found ancient Maya salt workers worked from home. The discovery was made during the excavation of Ta’ab Nuk Na, the largest known Maya salt works in the country, which is submerged in a coastal lagoon. There, the researchers uncovered a residential structure showing a household that lived […]

Climate, Conflict, Collapse: How Drought Destabilized The Last Major Precolonial Mayan City
AncientPages.com – The city of Mayapán was the largest Mayan city from approximately 1200 to 1450 AD. It was an important political, economic and religious center, and the capital of a large state that controlled much of northwestern Yucatan in present day Mexico. When the Spanish arrived in the early 1500s, Mayapán was fondly remembered […]

Unlocking The Secrets Of The Ancient Coastal Maya
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Georgia State University anthropologist Dr. Jeffrey Glover grew up in metro Atlanta, but speaking to him, it sounds like his heart is in Quintana Roo. This part of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula has been the home base for an expansive research project spanning more than 10 years. His research there with […]

What Can Ancient Toilets Teach Us About Maya Life And Tamales?
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Ancient toilets and trash pits are like heaven to archaeologists. They might not have the glamor of a gleaming medieval jewel or intricate Roman mosaic, but they brim with clues about the everyday life of bygone civilizations: the detritus—and discharges—of our ancestors telling rich stories of what the past was […]

1,300-Year-Old Mayan Maize God Sculpture Found in Palenque, Mexico
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Maize has always been the most important food crop in the Maya. According to the ancient creation myth of the Maya people, the gods created the first humans from maize dough and their bodies were believed to be made from maize. A sculpture representing a Mayan maize god dating back 1,300 […]