Ancient Maya Used An Unknown And Ingenious Method To Prevent Tooth Decay And Infections – Scientists Say

Conny Waters – – Oral hygiene was important to the Maya who had remarkable dental skills. Scientists have discovered that the ancient Maya came with a special technique that may have prevented tooth decay. In the beliefs of the ancient Maya, their breath was a link to the divine so it was important to […]

Hundreds Of Ancient Ceremonial Sites Discovered Near Aguada Fénix – The Largest And Oldest Maya Monument In Mexico

Jan Bartek – – A team of international researchers led by the University of Arizona reported last year that they had uncovered the largest and oldest Maya monument—Aguada Fénix. That same team has now uncovered nearly 500 smaller ceremonial complexes that are similar in shape and features to Aguada Fénix. The find transforms previous […]

Ancient Maya People Used Volcanic Ash To Build Pyramids When Huge Eruption Occurred

Conny Waters – – Scientists have studied how ancient people responded to catastrophic natural events and discovered ancient Maya people used volcanic ash to build some of their pyramids. According to Akira Ichikawa, an archaeologist at the University of Colorado Boulder excavation and radiocarbon data reveal the Maya survivors and/or re-settlers made considerable efforts […]

History Set In Stone – Maya Rulers Put Their Personal Stamp On Ancient Monuments

Conny Waters – – Ancient rulers had one thing in common with political leaders today – they were eager to brand themselves. Archaeologists have discovered Maya rulers put their personal stamp on monumental complexes. Early Maya cities featured monumental complexes, which centered on a shared form of religion but these complexes transformed radically once […]