Tooth Enamel Provides Intriguing Clues To Hunter-Gatherer Lifestyle Of Neanderthals

Tooth Enamel Provides Intriguing Clues To Hunter-Gatherer Lifestyle Of Neanderthals

Jan Bartek – – A new study has given an intriguing glimpse of the hunting habits and diets of Neanderthals and other humans living in Western Europe. An international team of researchers led by the University of Southampton, examined chemical properties locked inside tooth enamel to piece together how pre-historic people lived off the land around […]

New Clues To Behavior Of Neanderthal Hunting Parties

New Clues To Behavior Of Neanderthal Hunting Parties

Jan Bartek – – A scientist has conducted a spatial analysis of the faunal remains and lithic tools for the Neanderthal occupation of level F at the Navalmaíllo Rock Shelter site (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid), which is about 76,000 years old. Credit: Adobe Stock – dasom The results suggest reiterated use of the site […]

Interaction Between Homo Sapiens And Neanderthals Studied  Using New Radiocarbon 3.0 Method

Interaction Between Homo Sapiens And Neanderthals Studied Using New Radiocarbon 3.0 Method

Conny Waters – – It is called radiocarbon 3.0, the newest method in radiocarbon dating, and promises to reveal valuable new insights about key events in the earliest human history, starting with the interaction between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals in Europe. This is shown by the combination of updated radiocarbon pretreatment, the latest AMS […]

Brain Development Differs Between Neanderthals And Modern Humans - New Study

Brain Development Differs Between Neanderthals And Modern Humans – New Study

Conny Waters – – Neanderthals are the closest relatives to modern humans. Comparisons with them can therefore provide fascinating insights into what makes present-day humans unique, for example regarding the development of the brain. The neocortex, the largest part of the outer layer of the brain, is unique to mammals and crucial for many […]

Blame The Neanderthals For Your Lower Back Pain - Scientists Say

Blame The Neanderthals For Your Lower Back Pain – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek- – Examining the spines of Neanderthals, an extinct human relative, may explain back-related ailments experienced by humans today, a team of anthropologists has concluded in a new comparative study. The analysis centers on the spine’s curvature, which is caused, in part, by a wedging, or angling, of vertebrae and the intervertebral discs […]

Modern Humans Carrying The Neanderthal Variant Have More Protection Against Oxidative Stress

Modern Humans Carrying The Neanderthal Variant Have Less Protection Against Oxidative Stress

Jan Bartek – – Very few proteins in the body have a change that makes them unique compared to the corresponding proteins in Neanderthals and apes. Researchers at the Max Planck Insтιтute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany and Karolinska Insтιтutet in Sweden have now studied one such protein, glutathione reductase, which protects against oxidative […]