Ancient Genomes Suggest Farming In Africa Was Ignited By Oversea-Migrants From Iberia 7,400 Years Ago

Conny Waters – – A genomic analysis of ancient human remains from Morocco in northwest Africa revealed that food production was introduced by Neolithic European and Levantine migrants and then adopted by local groups. A research team from Sweden, Spain and Morocco present their results in Nature on June 7th. View of the site […]

New Virtual Museum Reveals 600 Million Years Of Australian Fossils In Unprecedented 3D Detail – Palaeontology is the study of evolution and prehistoric life, usually preserved as fossils in rocks. It combines aspects of geology with biology and many other scientific disciplines. But a lot of palaeontology really is about rocks. For 200 years, hammers and chisels have been some of its most commonly used tools. Many giant creatures that […]

Bizarre Event – Why Did Hundreds Of Individuals Suddenly Freak Out At A Cemetery?

Ellen Lloyd – – History has taught us people have, on certain occasions, done bizarre things. Depending on the circumstances and mental state of mind, it does happen that people sometimes freak out. In most cases, there is a logical and scientific explanation that can shed light on peoples’ perplexing behavior. Still, some instances […]

Unexplained And Bizarre Scottish Mystery Of A Man Who Vanished Into Thin Air

Ellen Lloyd – – Some events can be so bizarre they are almost unbelievable. Some say we are dealing with an urban legend, while others are convinced the story and witnesses’ sightings are authentic. Yet, before dismissing something as impossible, one should investigate all reports made by witnesses, but that can be easier said […]

Unveiling Nature’s Majesty: Exploring Hidden Valleys and Boulder Houses in an Adventurous Journey

CIVITΑ DI BΑGNOREGIO, CENTRΑL ITΑLY: Mаrtin exрlains thаt the only wаy to reаch the ѕpectacular vіllage of Cіvіta dі Bаgnoregio іs by а footbrіdge from the neіghbourіng…

Mystery Of Ancient Vanishing Lakes In South Africa Solved?

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – New evidence for the presence of ancient lakes in some of the most arid regions of South Africa suggests that Stone Age humans may have been more widespread across the continent than previously thought. Research jointly led by the University of Leicester argues that more archaeological work in the […]

Bizarre Phenomenon: People Witness Trees Devouring Objects, Share Proof Online in Twenty Cases

Trees grσw tall and mighty, and they dσn’t care what stands in their way. Neither signs, sculρtures, nσr σther things that we attach tσ them can match…

Unprecedented Fruit Sizes Leave Viewers in Awe

In a world of viral sensations and captivating content, it seems that even the most ordinary things can capture the attention of viewers around the globe. One…

The Most Perilous Houses in the World: Where Even Wealthy Dwellers Hesitate to Reside

The world is a weird and dangerous place. There’s just so many strange habits people have and strange things that people do. While the weirdness of the…

Human Ancestors Preferred Mosaic Landscapes And High Ecosystem Diversity – New Study

Conny Waters – – A new study published in the journal Science by an international team finds that early human species adapted to mosaic landscapes and diverse food resources, which would have increased our ancestor’s resilience to past shifts in climate. Artist illustration of hominins arriving in a multi-biome mosaic landscape. Such environments were […]