Trapped 70,000-Year-Old Artifact Reveals Hidden Information About Early Humans

Conny Waters – – This new study demonstrates how the creative use of unconventional research methods turned an unfortunate archaeological sampling event into a scientific success story. However, this scientific adventure was not a straightforward triumph. BLOCK OF SEDIMENT: Magnus Haaland taking a block section from a profile at Blombos Cave. (PH๏τo: Ole Fredrik Unhammer) […]

Ancient Desert Mystery – Did Thousands Vanish Without A Trace Because Of An Ominous Prophecy And Revenge?

Ellen Lloyd – –  It is one of the strangest ancient desert mysteries one can come across. Truth be told, no one knows what happened. Some scholars say the incident is a myth, but other scientists are convinced this is a historical event that may eventually be solved. It all started with a King […]

Rock Stars: How A Group Of Scientists In South Africa Rescued A Rare 500 Kg Chunk Of Human History – Scientific breakthroughs can happen in the strangest ways and places. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin because of mold growing on a Petri dish left out while he was on holiday. Chinese monks in the 9th century wanted to make a potion for immortality: instead, they discovered gunpowder. Our own remarkable discovery happened on a rugged, remote stretch […]

Ancient Humans: Clarifying The Co-Existence Between Modern Humans And Neanderthals

Jan Bartek – – The relationship between modern humans and neanderthals has been a subject of interest to anyone who wants to know more about our long-gone ancestors. A new study sheds more light on our understanding of the existence of the two species of humans in Europe. Modern humans may have co-existed with […]

Mysterious Unknown Strange-Looking Ancient Seafarers – Survivors Of A Now Vanished Race?

A. Sutherland  – – Many years ago, several statues depicting unusually looking people were discovered in a remote corner of the world. Some said the statues were raised by a no vanished race and made in the image of unknown settlers. It was also suggested these enigmatic beings were members of an unknown seafaring […]

Missing Link – Fish Fossils Rewrite Evolutionary History And How Humans Evolved From Fish

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Chinese paleologists have discovered two fossil repositories in southwestern Chongqing municipality and Guizhou province whose strata date back to the Silurian Period that began around 440 million years ago. An artist’s impression of jawed fish dating back 440 million years. Image credit: CHINA DAILY The two sites have yielded […]

Incredible Shipwreck With Fascinating Cargo Found 1,200 Years After Sinking In Holy Land

Jan Bartek – – It may have been a storm or something else, but scientists now know a ship loaded with cargo from all over the Mediterranean ended its journey after sinking off the coast of Israel 1,200 years ago. The shipwreck offers evidence that traders from the West still came to port even […] Guilty Of Hundreds Of Copyright Violations Is Stealing Content Daily From –  This note is to inform readers of that our articles are being stolen daily by a Brazilain site named: run by a woman called Fernanda launched on November 20, 2020, and has been stealing articles from other online sites right from the beginning. Fernanda, the owner of thinks she […]

Translated Ancient Text Offers Evidence Of An Unknown Sophisticated Civilization Present In All Corners Of The World

Ellen Lloyd – – Several ancient myths, legends, and sacred texts worldwide tell of a lost world that was wiped out in the distant past. The destruction of the long-gone world inhabited by highly advanced civilizations was caused by a natural disaster of some kind, most likely of cosmic nature. The discovery of the […]

Seven Times People Discovered The Americas And How They Got There – When Columbus landed in 1492, the Americas had been settled for tens of thousands of years. He wasn’t the first person to discover the continent. Instead, his discovery was the last of many discoveries. In all, people found the Americas at least seven different times. For at least six of those, it wasn’t […]