Mystery Of The Ancient Reptilian Gods Remains A Complex Subject – Memories Of The Past – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd –  Ancient artifacts of unusual reptilian-like gods have been found in Mesopotamia and other parts of the world. Ancient civilizations separated by vast distances produced almost identical figurines made in the image of their gods. While examining myths and legends from all around the globe, we find solid evidence that ancient people […]

Mystery Of The Ancient Moonless Ones – Strange Tales Of Unusual Lost Civilizations

Ellen Lloyd – – As we continue our quest to find ancient, lost civilizations, we stumble upon intriguing very old texts that mention highly unusual beings who once walked the Earth. The greatest problem with the mentioned lost civilizations is that they must have been very unlike humans, as described by ancient authors. Some […]

Mysterious Underground City In Brazil Could Re-Write Ancient History – Riddle Of The 12 Men – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – As previously discussed in part 1, scientists were baffled to find artifacts and skeletons in this never-before explored subterranean realm, but this was just the beginning of a much more complicated and longer story. Not far from the site, there were more mysterious that defied explanations. What was the source […]

Ancient Human Feeding Behavior Studied By Scientists

Jan Bartek – – It’s a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon: would you rather be running after tasteless wild berries, or curled up on your couch with fuzzy socks and a good book? You might not have had that choice if our ancestors had not taken a big gamble with their food. Early humans […]

Mysterious And Unexplained Encounter With Unusual Tiny Beings In Italy – The Thing – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – Stories of encounters with mysterious little beings are always fascinating, especially when these reports come from credible witnesses, like the one we will discuss this time. How can we explain meetings with such unknown, little beings? Sometimes, the fact presented by witnesses suggest these strange creatures do not belong on […]

Strange And Unexplained Events In Transylvania – One Of The Most Mysterious Places In Europe

A. Sutherland – – One of the most interesting places in Europe is Transylvania, a region where strange and unexplained events have been happening for as long as anyone can remember. Most of us perceive Transylvania as a mountainous, mist-shrouded place surrounded by mysticism and closely related to Dracula, the most infamous vampire in […]

Mysterious Ancient Fish People – Who Were They And How Did They ‘Change’ Civilizations Worldwide?

Ellen Lloyd – – Stories of mysteries ancient fish people can be found among civilizations worldwide. Known under different names, these enigmatic beings do not appear to have been ordinary humans. Yet, they provided our ancestors with valuable knowledge that helped them evolve and greatly expand their intelligence. One is particularly interesting among these […]

Secret Ancient Knowledge Of Portals Leading To Unknown Realms – Mysteries Of The Past And Present – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – In part 1, we discussed our ancestors’ knowledge of mysterious gateways leading to other worlds. Though this may seem like an implausible scenario, we discovered there was reason to treat the beliefs of ancient people with respect. Truth be told, the multiverse theory is under constant development by modern scientists. […]

Secret Ancient Knowledge Of Portals Leading To Unknown Realms -The Arrival And Departure – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – Quantum physicists are exploring Everett’s Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI), according to which several invisible worlds can exist at the same space and time as our own. This fascinating theory suggests our world can be surrounded by countless realms invisible to our naked eye. If such worlds do exist, there must be […]

DNA Confirms 2,000-Year-Old Sustainable Fishing Practices Of Tsleil-Waututh Nation

Jan Bartek – – Ancient Indigenous fishing practices can be used to inform sustainable management and conservation today, according to a new study from Simon Fraser University. Working with the Tsleil-Waututh Nation and using new palaeogenetic analytical techniques developed in SFU Archaeology’s ancient DNA lab, directed by professor Dongya Yang, the results of a […]