Alexander The Great’s Mysterious And Unexplained Encounter In Babylon

Ellen Lloyd – – It goes without saying that a man like Alexander the great who traveled to many foreign lands must have seen fascinating places and met extraordinary people. It is also evident Aristotle’s education of Alexander the Great influenced the ancient Macedonian ruler perhaps even more than he realized himself, even though […]

The Opening Of Pandora’s Box May Have Been A Real Event

Ellen Lloyd – – The story of how Pandora, out of curiosity, opened a box and unleashed all kinds of misery on our world is a well-known old Greek tale that has been retold in countless versions. Pandora’s Box, which most scholars agree was most likely a jar, is an artifact we encounter in […]

Knowledge Of Divine Alien Beings And High-Tech In Ancient Egypt Described In Sacred Books And Papyrus – Reincarnation, Cloaking Technology And Space Travel – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – In part 1 of this article we spoke about Pharaohs who witnessed strange, unknown flying objects in the skies. We also discussed unusual celestial boats, and time lapses ᴀssociated with space travel described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus. In one of these ancient documents, we found a particularly interesting account […]

Knowledge Of Divine Alien Beings And High-Tech In Ancient Egypt Described In Sacred Books And Papyrus – The God Who Spoke About Time Dilation – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – – How much did ancient Egyptians know about life in the Universe? Did they believe beings from outer space had once visited their kingdom? Were ancient Egyptians more familiar with alien beings than we can imagine? While researching ancient sacred books and Egyptian papyrus, we stumble upon starling information that suggests […]

Forgotten Ancient Empire That Extended Far Beyond America To Iceland And Its Mysterious Inscriptions

Ellen Lloyd – – In South America, certain giant ancient statues point their index finger in a specific location. Unknown races sculptured these statues. In North and South America, locals tell stories of a forgotten ancient empire that extended far beyond America to Iceland. One could easily dismiss such tales as myths. However, there […]

Strange Ancient Abduction Case And Mysterious Journey To A Snake King’s Palace In A Parallel World

Ellen Lloyd – Sacred ancient texts are filled with remarkable accounts describing individuals who came in contact with unknown technology. Our ancestors left behind stories of people and events that baffle or modern minds because we cannot understand how specific incidents could have transpired. Who are we to judge what our ancestors witnessed? Depending […]

Mysterious Ancient People Who Mastered Thought-Transmission Through Space And Spoke At Distance

A. Sutherland – – Ancient documents inform they were highly advanced people who possessed ‘not of this world’ abilities. They could speak at a distance and master thought transmission through space. This ancient race remains shrouded in mystery. Eager to learn more about these unusual people, members of a secret expedition visited the region […]

Baffling Structures Unearthed In A Place Where Prehistoric Human Remains Are Missing Is An Ancient Mystery

Ellen Lloyd – – This time, we will discuss an ancient mystery that is genuinely puzzling for several reasons. More than 50 years ago, a curious explorer stumbled upon something extraordinary. The questions he asked at the time remain unanswered. The story started when scientists came across very ancient stone structures in an uninhabited […]

Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science – Why Were The Ancient Time Capsules Hidden? – Part 3

Ellen Lloyd – – There are many reasons why an advanced civilization can decide to conceal its precious treasures and extraordinary invention, but why were these particular time capsules hidden? We are not discussing one but dozens of ancient time capsules that according to Coptic sources contain the most extraordinary objects one can imagine. […]

Ancient Manuscript In Museum Reveals Discovery Of Objects Unknown To Modern Science – Coptic Secrets And Guardians Of Treasures – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – What unleashed the man’s madness once he entered the secret chamber? As we said in part 1, his behavior was irrational and frightening to his friends, and he is not the only person who has been affected by some unknown forces present in mysterious underground realms. The information we gained […]