2,000-Year-Old Tumulus Of Unknown Culture Discovered In Siberia – Who Were These People?
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists have discovered a curious 2,000-year-old tumulus in Siberia. The find was made when the land was prepared for a new cemetery called Shinnoye on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, the second biggest city in Siberia. No one knew at the time that “something” old was hidden beneath the ground. While […]

Unique Plate Of Winged Scythian Gods And Walking Griffons Discovered In Middle Don
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Expedition members of IA RAS have found a unique plate depicting winged Scythian gods surrounded by griffons during their excavations of the burial ground Devitsa V in Ostrogozhsky District of Voronezh region. This is the first case of such a finding in the Scythian barrows on Middle Don. No other […]