Why Did Every Viking Own A Whetstone And Trade Mᴀssive Amounts Of Them?
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Vikings understood the importance and benefits of trading and exchanging often in the selling and buying of goods. During the Viking Age, people established commercial hubs where visitors from distant lands came to buy or sell something of value. One of the most flourishing Viking towns was Kaupang, located in […]

Vikings’ Hideouts, Harbours And Homes: How Norse Warriors Owed Their Success To Their Encampments
AncientPages.com – For many years, archaeologists and historians have provided an increasingly informed insight into the dynamic world of the vikings, chipping away at the clichés of a crazed, capricious people preoccupied with beards and bloodshed. One particular approach to understanding viking activity has been to study the encampments they set up along the coasts […]

What Rights Did Viking Women Have?
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Unlike many females in other ancient cultures, Viking women were powerful, dominant, and had a prominent role in society. This Viking legacy is still notable in Scandinavia, where women expect to be treated as equals. Scientists have acknowledged Viking women were much more prominent than previously thought based on numerous archaeological […]