Unveiling history A cache of embalming materials discovered in Abu Sir shedding light on ancient Egyptian burial practices.

The cache of embalming materials unearthed in Abu Sir

The archaeological mission of the Czech Insтιтute of Egyptology discovered a cache of mummification materials during archaeological excavations inside a group of burial wells dating back to the 26th Dynasty and located in the western part of the Abu Sir cemetery.

The cache of embalming materials unearthed in Abu Sir
Part of the discovery – Min. of Tourism & Antiquities

Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Waziri explained that this cache was found inside a huge well measuring 5.3 x 5.3 meters and of depth exceeding 14 meters. 

The cache contains unique embalming materials, consisting of 370 large pottery vessels divided into 14 groups, each group containing from 7 to 52 pots.

The discovered well – Min. of Tourism & Antiquities
The discovered well – Min. of Tourism & Antiquities

Waziri added that these pots contain remnants of materials that were used during the mummification process.

Waziri further indicated that in the upper group, four empty limestone canopic pots engraved with hieroglyphic texts in the name of their owner, a person named Wahibre, were found.

Part of the discovery – Min. of Tourism & Antiquities

For his part, Miroslav Barta, head of the mission, noted, “the 2021 season was part of a long-term project aimed at uncovering antiquities dating back to an era when ancient Egyptian society was looking for new ways to preserve the unique Egyptian idenтιтy.

The tombs of Abu Sir, which were built in a similar way to the famous pyramid of Djoser, the most famous king of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, played a major role in showing the unique Egyptian culture, which was expressed by the Egyptian eras in that period.”

Moreover, Deputy Director of the Czech Mission Mohammad Megahid confirmed that archaeological excavations will continue in the area through 2022. 

At the same time, studies and analysis of the contents of the pottery vessels will be started using modern scientific methods.

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