Andalusia Was First Inhabited By Neolithic People From The Southern Part Of The Iberian Peninsula 6,200 Years Ago
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The island of San Fernando, Cadiz in Andalusia, was home to the first Neolithic farmers and shepherds who decided to permanently settle there around 6,200 years ago. They practised shellfish collection and consumption all year round, with a preference for winter. Location of Campo de Hockey site in southern Iberian […]

Unknown Bronze Age Settlement Discovered Accidentally In Heimberg, Switzerland
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Sometimes, when archaeologists look for one thing, they find something entirely different. This is exactly what happened in Switzerland when researchers were excavating, hoping to find an ancient Roman brick workshop, but they unearthed a previously unknown Bronze Age settlement instead. The excavation in Heimberg, on the right edge of […]

Unexplained Mystery Of The Dangerous Invisible Enemy In A French Town
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – It was an ordinary day in a small, sleepy town in France. There were no indications anything strange was about to happen. Yet, an inexplicable and extraordinary event left the unsuspecting residents completely bewildered and unsure of what was unfolding. The situation that unfolded was indeed unusual, if not bizarre. […]

Rare 2,800-Year-Old ᴀssyrian Scarab Amulet Found In Lower Galilee
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Erez Avrahamov, a 45-year-old inhabitant of Peduel, made an incredible discovery while hiking in the Tabor Stream Nature Reserve located in Lower Galilee. He stumbled upon an ancient seal shaped like a scarab that dates back to the First Temple period. Credit: Israel Antiquities Authority This ancient artifact is as […]

Dinas Powys: Late ‘Antique Hillfort Phenomenon’ In Post-Roman Western Britain
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Dinas Powys, Glamorgan, located about 9km southwest of Cardiff, is a small inland fort of approximately 0.35ha. The hillfort was first excavated by a team of archaeologists led by Leslie Alcock from 1954 through to 1958. The site is often referenced as a prime example of elite settlements in post-Roman […]

Puzzling Vasconic Inscription On Ancient Irulegi Hand Resembles Basque Language
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A few years ago, archaeologists excavating an Iron Age site known as Irulegi in northern Spain discovered a flat bronze artifact shaped like a human hand. After careful cleaning, they found it bore inscriptions of words from a Vasconic language. This language family includes Basque and several other languages that […]

Unusual Skeletons And Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Covered With Unknown Characters Discovered In West Virginia By Archaeologists
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Our quest for traces of unknown ancient civilizations takes us to West Virginia, where archaeologists made a puzzling discovery that could rewrite history. During their excavations, the researchers encountered peculiar skeletons and enigmatic ancient artifacts inscribed with unfamiliar symbols. The size of these skeletons was extraordinary, leading archaeologists to believe […]

Venetian Mercant Giovanni Bianchini Used The Decimal Point 150 Years Before Christopher Clavius
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The creation of the decimal point was a game-changer. It paved the way for the decimal system, revolutionizing calculations across various fields. This breakthrough made dealing with fractions as straightforward as handling whole numbers, simplifying tasks for many, but who was the individual who used the decimal point first? It […]

Mysterious Disappareance Of Philip Christoph Königsmarck – Where Is The Swedish Count Buried?
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Philip Christoph Königsmarck, a Count from Sweden who lived from 1665 to 1694, was a man who had adversaries. Looking back at history, it is obvious some individuals harbored intentions of eliminating him. On the morning of July 2, 1694, Count Königsmarck vanished without a trace. The details surrounding his […]

1,800-Year-Old Legio VI Ferrata Military Camp Uncovered In Israel
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed the remains of the military camp of Legio VI Ferrata, along with buildings and roads. Legionary inscription: “VEXILLA TIO LEG VI FERR” (“Detachment of Legion VI Ferrata”), Hecht Museum, Haifa, Israel. Image credit: Golf Bravo – CC BY-SA 3.0 The 1,800-year-old Legio VI Ferrata military camp […]