In eastern Russia, an area lies beyond the Ural mountains, which introduces the vast landscape of Siberia to many. Frigid winds tear through the air, forming rapid blankets of snow that cover the taigas and foothills completely.
For many people, Siberian winters can be a death sentence, especially for one young boy who had been abandoned by his parent – in the middle of winter! He had been left by his mother on a stranger’s unheated porch all by himself.
Naturally, no one would have expected him to survive. That night, the temperatures dropped to -12 degrees Celsius, which was equivalent to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a bitter night for him.

Fortunately, a resident dog of the house where the boy was left found him and instinctively wrapped his body around the child to keep him warm and protected from the bitter cold. With the dog’s body heat and his fur coat, the child was warm and managed to survive two whole days like that. Neighbours saw the dog and couldn’t understand why he didn’t move all that time until they looked under him. They found them both alive after two days in freezing snow. No one could believe their eyes.

The boy only suffered a mild case of acute hypothermia when officials finally found them. The child could have been frozen to death if it wasn’t for the dog. The child has fully recovered now and his mother was charged with child abuse for abandoning him.
