Palatine Light Legend Is Based On A True And Tragic Event – What Really Happened On Block Island

Ellen Lloyd – – Every year, sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, residents of Block Island, Rhode report seeing an eerie light that is believed to be the apparition of a ghost ship named Palatine. The mysterious light has haunted the island for centuries. Dr. Aaron C. Willey, a Block Island resident, said that […]

What Really Happened To Library Of Alexandria Remains A Mystery

A. Sutherland  – – Did the Library of Alexandria, the greatest collection of knowledge and literature disappear out of sight but survived by being saved? Background image: O. Von Corven – Public Domain Ancient records say that seven hundred thousand of the most precious books written on wax, papyrus, parchment, and tablets of stone, […]

Is ‘Someone’ Regularly Altering The Course Of History? – Unexplained Events – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – We continue to explore the possibility “someone” is regularly altering the course of history. In part 1 we discussed what methods can be used to deliberately manipulate history. We discussed one particular historical event that had profound significance on society and religion, but there are many other unexplained events and […]

Hidden Structure Detected In Monte Albán, Ancient Metropolis Of Mexican Zapotec Culture

Conny Waters – – Not all treasures of Mexico can be found on the surface of this very old country, rich in culture, traditions, and history that spans more than three millennia. There is much in Mexico under its soil. Not long ago, a tomb of a high-ranking individual from Zapotec society was unearthed […]

Real Giant Kojomkul Who Became A Folk Hero In Kyrgyzstan

Ellen Lloyd – – Few have heard his name, but to the people living in a small village in Kyrgyzstan, he was an extraordinary man and hero. Kaba Uluu Kojomkul, whose name means Koschomkul, son of Kaba, was a real giant who was incredibly strong. Born in 1888 in the Koschomkul in the Suusamyr […]

Catastrophic Final Flooding Of Doggerland By The Storegga Tsunami – New Study Results

Conny Waters – – Researchers present ‘the first evidence of the tsunami from the southern North Sea region, and suggest that traditional views of this ancient catastrophic and very destructive event need rethinking. About 8,150 years ago,” the Storegga tsunami struck North-west Europe. Life in ‘Doggerland’ – the ancient kingdom once stretched from Scotland […]

Why Is Africa Called Africa?

Conny Waters – – We read about historical places and events without thinking about what’s behind a name. For example, we can ask – Why is Africa called Africa? How did the African continent get its name? After Asia, Africa is the world’s second-largest continent.  There are 54 countries and territories in Africa, and […]

Surya: Hindu Sun God Who Illuminates The World, Our Lives And Disperses Darkness, Destroys Diseases, And Enemies

A. Sutherland  – – In Mahabharata, one of the major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, Surya is the “eye of the universe, soul of all existence, origin of all life, and symbol for freedom and spiritual emancipation.  Left: A secondary statue of the Sun god, source; Right: Surya Deula (Sun Temple), Konark, Odisha, eastern […]

The Magnificent Yule Goat In Gävle, Sweden Has Finally Arrived

Ellen Lloyd – – It’s been a hard and sad year for many, but it doesn’t mean we should break with old traditions, and nothing can stop the Yule Goat that has finally arrived! If you ever visit Sweden during Christmas and go to the city of Gävle, you can see a huge goat […]

‘Venus of Willendorf’: New Theory On ‘Venus’ Figurines – Proposed

Conny Waters – – One of the world’s earliest examples of art, the enigmatic ‘Venus’ figurines carved some 30,000 years ago, has intrigued and puzzled scientists for nearly two centuries. The figurines dated to the Upper Paleolithic era represent the earliest examples of art that depicts humans and were created by nomadic hunter-gatherers. Left: […]