6,000-Year-Old Submerged Settlement Shows Black Sea Level Was Lower 5,000 Years Ago – ‘Black Sea Deluge’ Theory?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A submerged prehistoric settlement on the Black Sea coast, has been discovered by underwater archaeologists. The settlement was inhabited around 1,000 years earlier (going back to the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) than previously believed, and is located near the mouth of the Ropotamo River in Burgas District, Bulgaria. Archaeological materials discovered […]

Rare 3,000-Year-Old Gold Bead Found On Temple Mount By Young Boy

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A young boy has found a startling 3,000-year-old gold bead on Temple Mount. The preserved minute cylinder created by four layers of tiny gold balls was in so excellent condition that archaeologists didn’t recognize its value at first. The bead, fashioned from four layers, each made of tiny gold balls […]

Is ‘Someone’ Regularly Altering The Course Of History? – Is So How, Why And Who? Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The theory we will discuss today is unsettling but worthy of our attention. We do know that everything we do, everything we decide will in some way change history. Just look at some major historical events and you’ll understand. What if Hitler had not been defeated? Obviously, our world would […]

Ancient Mystery Of Egypt’s Black Pyramid – Did It Really Exist?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Was there once a black pyramid in Egypt that has been erased from the pages of history? Could the pyramid be buried beneath the sand, or was the ancient structure misidentified? It has been suggested there is a fourth pyramid somewhere on the Giza plateau, but if this is true, […]

St. Simeon’s Monastery And History Of Its Founder Shed Light On Christian Past In Anatolia

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – For the first time, now, archaeologists have been able to resume restoration and excavation works at the site of the Monastery of St. Simon Stylites the Younger. The site is vast but unfortunately, the monastery buildings are in ruins. A small section of a mosaic is exposed in the excavation […]

Carvings Of Mythological Masks Unearthed In Ancient Theater Of Stratonikeia

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeological excavations carried out in the 3,000-year-old ancient city of Stratonikeia, have revealed 10 more masks decorating the stone blocks that are believed to date back 2,200 years. Works in the ancient city, located in the Yatağan district of the western province of Muğla, have been ongoing for a year with […]

Amazing Restoration Of Ancient Roman Vineyard Buried Underneath The Ash Of Mount Vesuvius For 2,000 Years

Jan Bartek-  AncientPages.com – On the morning of August 24, 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy erupted. It was one of the largest volcanic explosions in recorded history. In a surviving document left by only some surviving witnesses, the first day was perceived as normal, but small earthquakes were felt for four days before […]

Statues Of Serapis Sky God And Asclepios God Of Medicine Unearthed In Ancient City Of Kibyra

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists unearthed two ancient statues of deities in the ancient city of Kibyra in Turkey’s southwestern Burdur province. Kibyra,(or Cibyra Magna), was the main city of the Cibyratis region whose core was formed in the 2nd second century BC by four cities – Kibyra, Bubon, Balubura, and Oenoanda, known collectively […]

Different Story Of Odin’s Sons Balder And Hoder In Norse Mythology

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – In Snorri’s tale, Balder is the young son of Odin, the beloved of all in Asgard. He is invulnerable to all, even the most dangerous weapons, except for mistletoe, a tiny plant, which is his weakness. Loki, a thief and trickster/shapeshifter responsible for all possible mischief and deception, knew about Balder’s weakness. He […]

Hundreds Of Highly Unusual Burial Gifts Found In Special Viking Chamber Belonging To Woman In Norway

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – When you’re an archaeologist you may have to wait a long time before you find something of historical value. Norwegian archaeologists had been excavating for weeks without discovering anything but post holes and cooking pits. But then, they suddenly had luck on their side. They noticed peculiar traces of a […]