Discover the rich history and stunning rock art of the worlds longest art gallery Nine Mile Canyon in Utah. A mustsee for nature enthusiasts
The Nine Mile Canyon in the Utah desert is the world’s longest & oldest ‘art gallery’ Situated in the desert of eastern Utah, The Nine Mile Canyon…

Unearthed A 20000yearold Ice Age woolly rhino in Russia sheds light on prehistoric life and climate. Fascinating glimpse into the past
Scientists uncover 20,000-year-old Ice Age woolly rhino in Russia During a search in Russia’s permafrost, an animal dating back at least 20,000 years was discovered and it…

Uncovering history beneath the ice Scientists reveal a 280millionyearold forest in Antarctica. Nature never ceases to amaze us.
Scientists discover 280-million-year-old fossil forest in Antarctica Antarctica wasn’t quite a region of ice for most of the year. It is widely believed that millions of years…

Unearthed Prehistoric teeth fossils dating back 9.7 million years could rewrite human history offering new clues to our ancient past
Prehistoric teeth fossils dating back 9.7 million years ‘could rewrite human history’ In Southwestern Germany, a team of researchers discovered teeth that were millions of years old…

Unveiling history at the bottom of the Black Sea A 2400yearold intact shipwreck sheds light on ancient seafaring. Fascinating
A 2,400-year-old: World’s Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found at the Bottom of the Black Sea At the bottom of the Black Sea, the oldest preserved shipwreck ever found…

Unearthing history in Egypt The remarkable find of a 3600yearold giant palm is shedding light on the ancient civilizations botanical marvels. Fascinating
An amazing discovery in Egypt – The bones of a 3600-year-old giant palm A team of archaeologists has found that one of the palaces in the ancient…

Unbelievable discovery Scientists uncover a dinosaur fossil nestled on top of a clutch of eggs. Natures wonders never cease to amaze us
Jaw-Dropping Fossil Find Contains a Dinosaur Sitting on an Entire Clutch of Eggs The fossil in question is that of an oviraptorosaur, a group of bird-like theropod…

Amazing discovery alert Rabbits unearth 9000yearold artifacts on a Welsh island Natures little archaeologists at work
Rabbits Uncover 9,000-Year-old Artifacts on a Welsh island A group of rabbits inadvertently uncovered a hoard of 9,000-year-old Stone and Bronze Age artefacts hidden on the small…

Unearthing ancient wonders Researchers uncover a 14000yearold ice age village predating the pyramids by an astonishing 10000 years.
14,000-year-old ice age village discovered is 10,000 years older than the pyramids In their oral history, the Heiltsuk people describe how the area around Triquet Island, on…

Dive into history at Pavlopetri the worlds oldest submerged city dating back 5000 years. Discover this incredible ancient marvel beneath the waters.
5,000 Years old Pavlopetri is the oldest submerged city in the world If you ask Greeks what do they know about Pavlopetri, they will probably look at…