Mystery Of The Cave Where People Vanish Or Become Disoriented
Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Some places have been shrouded in a veil of mystery for as long as anyone can remember. Today, we are taking a long trip to an extraordinary ancient cave that has intrigued our ancient ancestors just as much as modern tourists. A very long time ago, the cave was an […]

First Carbon-Based Paleolithic Paintings Found In Font-De-Gaume Cave, France Could Be 19,000 Years Old
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – On 12 September 1901, Denis Peyrony, a local schoolmaster, stepped inside the Font-De-Gaume Cave. He discovered marvelous prehistoric cave paintings that our ancient ancestors created during the Magdalenian period. Cro-Magnon artists painting in Font-de-Gaume, by Charles R. Knight from the book the Artist Who Saw Through Time, 1920. Credit: Public […]

Top 10 Discoveries About Our Ancient Ancestors In 2023
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – In 2023, scientists presented several interesting studies that gave us a better knowledge of our ancient human ancestors. In this article, we selected ten of the most fascinating finds. 1. New Fossil Analysis Has Just Re-Written The Human Evolution Timeline Homo neanderthalensis cranium from the Tabun Cave Israel. Credit: NhM […]

Early Human Communication May Have Been Influenced By Changing African Landscape – Anthropologists Say
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The shift from dense forests to open plains in Africa may have caused our ancient ancestors to change their vocal calls, research involving Durham University anthropologists has found. The researchers studied audible orangutan calls in a South African savannah to measure the different vowel and consonant-based sounds made by the animals and […]

13 Ancient Terracotta Figurines ᴀssociated With Cybele And Attis Unearthed In Pompeii
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – During excavations of a domus north of the house of a Leda and the Swan in Pompeii, archaeologists unearthed 13 ancient terracotta figurines. Credit: Archaeological Park of Pompeii According to experts, the figurines are cult objects ᴀssociated with the tragical myth of Cybele and Attis. As the myth tells, the […]

2,000 Years Ago Mysterious Foreigner With Unique Ancestry Traveled To Cambridgeshire – Who Was He?
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists excavating near the village of Offord Cluny in Cambridgeshire have discovered the remains of a man who lived between AD 126–228 during the Roman period and did not originally come from a rural farmstead near where he was buried but likely thousands of miles away, possibly outside of the […]

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries 2023
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The year 2023 has been successful for archaeologists working in different parts of the world. Scientists have discovered long-lost ancient structures, incredible shipwrecks with intact cargo, beautiful ancient artifacts, and much more. In this top list, we present ten fascinating archaeological discoveries that were unearthed in 2023. 1. Ancient Roman […]

South American Cultures Quickly Adopted Horses – New Study
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A new study from a University of Colorado Boulder researcher conducted with colleagues in Argentina sheds new light on how the introduction of horses in South America led to rapid economic and social transformation in the region. Artifacts found at the Chorrillo Grande 1 site include Venetian glᴀss beads (top), […]

Ancient Sahul: Its Submerged Landscapes Reveal A Mosaic Of Human Habitation
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – New research conducted by a team of archaeologists and earth scientists has shed light on the ancient landscapes of Sahul, the Pleistocene (Ice Age) landmᴀss comprising Australia and New Guinea. Bathymetric data showing the Northwest Sahul continental shelf with eustatic and regional sea level curves projected. Ai Coastline morphology during […]

How Did St. Nicholas Become Santa Claus? – History, Legend And Tradition
AncientPages.com – We’re all familiar with the jolly, white-haired and bearded overweight man who sneaks down chimneys on Christmas Eve delivering presents to children. But where did this come from? With roots in Christianity, the origins of the world’s most beloved gift-giver transcend time, culture and religion. Santa Claus with gifts and a lantern on […]