Early Neolithic High Mountain Settlers Were Busy With Complex Livestock And Farming Activities – New Study
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – An archaeological find in the Huescan Pyrenees allowed researchers to identify for the first time livestock management strategies and feeding practices. Above: Image of the southern slope of Sierra de Tucas (Huesca, Spain). The arrow indicates Coro Trasito cave. Below: Entrance to Coro Trasito cave. (B) Plan view of Coro Trasito […]

Revealing Relatives In Ancient DNA With Unprecedented Precision
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A new computational tool detects up to second to third-degree cousins using ancient genomes. Scientists from the Max Planck Insтιтute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and the University of Harvard in the USA have developed a new tool which enables them to identify prehistoric and historic individuals’ relatives up to […]

How Norwegians Expressed Resistance Against Nazi Occupation Using Christmas Cards
AncientPages.com – On December 18, 1941, it was forbidden to use the Norwegian flag and its colours in a way that offended national sentiment. The ban was issued by Vidkun Quisling’s fascist party, National Gathering. Using the flag in that manner was considered a demonstration against the German occupation. This was followed by a series of […]

Who Deceived Mighty Yuku God Of Rain And Thunder In Beliefs Of Yaquis Of Southern Arizona And Sonora, Mexico?
A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Depending on the vagaries of the weather and limited rainfall, some areas usually experience periodic droughts, while others receive some more moisture. Farmers, especially, are generally very dependent on rainfall. Credit: Adobe Stock – AIproduction One legend says that Yuku, the god of the rain and thunder, once left the […]

Archery Technology Emerged In The Americas 5,000 Years Ago – Much Earlier Than Previously Thought
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – When did archery arise in the Americas? And what were the effects of this technology on society? These questions have long been debated among anthropologists and archaeologists. But a study led by a University of California, Davis, anthropologist, is shining light on this mystery. The work is published in Quaternary International. Aerial view […]

New Fossil Analysis Has Just Re-Written The Human Evolution Timeline
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – New dating analysis of existing human remains found worldwide has raised questions about some of our current histories of human evolution. The existence of early Homo sapiens in Europe was over 150,000 years earlier than first thought. Homo neanderthalensis cranium from the Tabun Cave Israel. Credit: NhM – Right: Tabun Cave, […]

Incredible 2,300-Year-Old Roman-Etruscan Time Capsule Opened In San Casciano dei Bagni, Italy
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Italy is a country rich in unique ancient treasures, and there always seems to be something more archaeologists can discover, often in the most unexpected places. During excavations at the thermal baths of San Casciano dei Bagni, near Siena, archaeologists unearthed an incredible 2,300-year-old Roman-Etruscan time capsule that experts have […]

Two Millennia Old Bamboo Slips With Records Of Ancient Rituals Deciphered
Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Researchers of China’s Tsinghua University have published the results of new research focused on five sets of bamboo slips, in which the rites regarding the ritual music system and high official’s meals dated more than 2,000 years ago were recorded. This image depicts the bamboo slips deciphered by scholars at […]

Major Puzzle In Mammal Skull Shape Evolution Solved
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Evolutionary biologists have solved a major mammal skull shape evolution puzzle. The results of this interesting study shed some light on the evolution of the human face as well. Horses have developed long faces simply ‘because they can,’ a team of evolutionary biologists say. PH๏τo courtesy Wolfgang Claussen (Pixabay) In […]

6,000 Years Ago, Europe’s Oldest Cities Relied On Fertilizer And Plant Protein, Isotope – Analysis Shows
Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – In the forest steppe northwest of the Black Sea—today the territory of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine—mega-sites of the Trypillia societies emerged about 6,000 years ago on areas of up to 320 hectares in size. With around 15,000 inhabitants, they were the largest settlements in the world at that […]