Oldest Scandinavian Ship-Burial Identified Re-Writes History – Amazing Find That Predates The Viking Age

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  An amazing find has been made in central Norway. While investigating a burial mound at Leka in Trøndelag they made a discovery that caused great excitement and re-writes history. The research team unearthed Scandinavia’s oldest known ship burial, dating back to around 700 C.E. Under this mound at Leka in […]

Roman-Era Female Statue Dated Back To 1,800 Years Ago Unearthed In Anemurium, Türkiye

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Among many extraordinary finds reported from the archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Anemurium located in the province of Mersin in southern Türkiye is a Roman-era female statue probably dated back to 1,800 years ago. Image source – Hurriyet Daily News This ancient statue is believed to represent an important […]

Mysterious Deserted Medieval Village And Castle Discovered In The Harz Mountains – 2,000 Artifacts Were Found

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Many archaeological secrets exist in forests and mountains. Archaeologists can use imaging drones to capture sites from the air in hard-to-get areas. Sometimes, researchers know of a site’s existence, but the place has not yet been adequately documented, like the recent find in Germany. Drone image of the excavation trench […]

Unique 2,800-Year-Old Ivory Object Unearthed At Hattusa

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com –  While excavating at Hattusa, the capital of the kingdom of the Hitтιтes in the late Bronze Age, archaeologists unearthed a unique 2,800-year-old object made of ivory. Credit: Kemal Ceylan/AA The beautiful ancient artifact is approximately 30 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide. On its shiny surface are several vital figures and symbols, such […]

New Study Questions Claims Homo Naledi Was Advanced

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A new study has cast doubt on claims that Homo naledi, a small-brained hominin dating to between 335,000 and 241,000 years ago, deliberately buried their ᴅᴇᴀᴅ and produced rock art in Rising Star Cave, South Africa. Three pre-print articles published this year in eLife suggested the recent excavations at the Rising Star […]

Incredible Trove Of 100,000 Ancient Coins Tied Together In Bundles Uncovered In Japan

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A mᴀssive trove of ancient coins has been uncovered during archaeological excavations in a village in the Sojamachi district, Japan. Archaeologists report as many as 100,000 coins, estimated to be more than 2,000 years old, were tied together in bundles. Credit: Maebashi city government The find was made at a […]

Rhetorica ad Herennium: Ancient Book That Improves Your Memory Using Method Of Loci – You Can Test It Easily

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Written by an unknown author in the 80s B.C, Rhetorica ad Herennium is the first known book on the art of memorization. Those who tested the method described in this unique ancient text say the book does improve your memory. The best part is that anyone can try and determine if […]

Sculpted Head Of Ancient Warrior Wearing A Serpent Helmet Found At Chichen Itza

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com –  During archaeological works at Chichen Itza, Mexico, scientists discovered the sculpted head of an ancient warrior wearing a helmet shaped like a feathered serpent with open jaws. The anthropomorphic sculpture was unearthed at Chichanchob, “the largest and best preserved of the four buildings that surround the plaza or main plain. […]

Catequil – Inca God Of Thunder And Lightning Who Predicted The Future And Was Cultural Hero Of Inca People

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Catequil created thunder by striking the clouds with his sacred spear and a mighty club. This Inca deity means even more. The mountain of Cerro Icchal with the site of Namanchugo in the foreground. Image credit: Jordan Downey – ResearchGate  He was also a weather god and an oracle who foretold the […]

Face Of Neanderthal Who Lived 56,000 Years Ago Reconstructed

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – We may never know the thoughts and emotions of our long-gone ancestors. Still, we can gain plenty of other valuable information based on archaeological discoveries and DNA studies. It is also fascinating to see what the ancient human species may have looked like. Has evolution changed us much? Facial reconstruction […]