Ice Age Cycles Played A Key Role In Early Human Interbreeding

Conny Waters – – Contemporary humans carry in their cells a small amount of DNA derived from Neanderthals and Denisovans. “Denny,” a 90,000-year-old fossil individual, recently identified as the daughter of a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal mother, bears testimony to the possibility that interbreeding was quite common among early human species. But when, […]

Encounter Between Neanderthals And Homo Sapiens – Genome Study Traces The History

Conny Waters – – By analyzing genomes up to 40,000 years old, scientists have traced the history of migrations between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. About 40,000 years ago, Neanderthals, who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years in the western part of the Eurasian continent, gave way to Homo sapiens, who had arrived […]

Extraordinary Bronze Age Jewelry Hoard Discovered In A Carrot Field In Switzerland

Conny Waters – – A magnificent Bronze Age treasure has been discovered in Switzerland. The adventure started when Franz Zahn examined a freshly harvested carrot field in Güttingen with his metal detector. When he found several Middle Bronze Age decorative discs, he immediately contacted the Office of Archaeology, which arranged the excavation and documentation […]

15th-Century French Painting Depicts A 500,000-Year-Old Stone Tool – Scientists Say

Jan Bartek – – When you look at the painting, you may not notice it immediately, but once you examine the artwork closer, you can see something “different” there. A new study suggests this 15th-century French painting does depict a prehistoric stone tool. More than 500,000 years ago, our human ancestors used large, stone […]

Beavers Had A Big Influence On How Stone Age People Lived

Jan Bartek – – For thousands of years, beavers had a big influence on the Dutch ecosystem and the people that lived there. This is the conclusion of research by archaeologist Nathalie Brusgaard. The rodents were used for food, clothing and tools, and created a landscape hospitable to many other species. Credit: Adobe Stock […]

Ancient Europeans Ate Seaweed And Freshwater Plants – Evidence Found

Jan Bartek – – For many people, seaweed holds a reputation as a superfood, heralded for its health benefits and sustainability. Still, it appears our European ancestors were ahead of the game and were consuming the nutrient-rich plant for thousands of years. Researchers say they have found “definitive” archaeological evidence that seaweeds and other […]

Nature’s Missing Evolutionary Law Identified

Jan Bartek – – A new study describes “a missing law of nature,” recognizing for the first time an important norm within the natural world’s workings. In essence, the new law states that complex natural systems evolve to states of greater patterning, diversity, and complexity. In other words, evolution is not limited to life on […]

Early Farmers On The Baltic Coast Incorporated Fish Into Their Diets 6,000 Years Ago

Conny Waters – –  Pioneering early farmers who arrived on the Baltic coast 6,000 years ago may have taken up fishing after observing indigenous hunter-gatherer communities, a major new study has found. Early Neolithic bog pot from Olvig Mose and wooden spoon from Tømmerup in Åmosen, Denmark. Credit: Arnold Mikkelsen, The National Museum of […]

Mystery Of The Large Ancient Boulders In Ireland And Britain – Possible Connection To The City Of Troy?

Ellen Lloyd – – Many years ago, a large granite boulder was found in Ireland. It is one of many intriguing ancient stones in the country, except that this one poses a true prehistoric mystery. The prehistoric boulder is decorated with a curious motif, but closer investigation reveals an important detail is missing on […]

Romans Were Early Pioneers Of Recycling – New Evidence Reveals

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have used gold impurities in silver coins and lead pollution in Greenland ice to show that the Romans were early pioneers of recycling. Extracting silver from ores and refining it at mints resulted in a lot of lead pollution. Ancient pollution entered the atmosphere, drifted across the Atlantic and left […]