Remarkable Discovery Of A 19th-Century Boat Buried Under A Road In St. Augustine, Florida

Jan Bartek – –  The boat is not ancient, but the discovery is truly incredible. While working on a drainage problem to ease the flooding problem in the area, construction workers discovered a nearly intact, wooden 19th-century boat hidden under a road in St. Augustine, Florida, US. Crews painstakingly removed mud, layer by layer, […]

Extremely Rare Jurᴀssic Fossils Discovered Near Lake Powell, Utah

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – While documenting fossil tracksites along a stretch of Lake Powell, a Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Glen Canyon NRA) field crew discovered the first tritylodontid bonebed found in the Navajo Sandstone in Utah. These extremely rare fossils are one of the more important fossil vertebrate discoveries in the United […]

Neanderthals Inherited At Least 6% Of Their Genome From A Now-Extinct Lineage Of Early Modern Humans

Jan Bartek – – Modern humans migrated to Eurasia 75,000 years ago, where they encountered and interbred with Neanderthals. A new study published in the journal Current Biology shows that at this time Neanderthals were already carrying human DNA from a much older encounter with modern humans. The Penn-led research team, including collaborators from Addis Ababa […]

Crusader-Era Sword Discovered At Previously Unknown Burial Site In Finland

Conny Waters – – An interesting archaeological discovery has been made in Finland. In Salo Perttel, near the Medieval stone church, scientists have discovered a previously unknown burial site from the time of the Crusades. The cemetery came to light during the archaeological inspection of a sword found in a geothermal pipe trench. This […]

Ancient Society In The Sahara Desert Rose And Fell With Groundwater – Study

Conny Waters – – With its low amounts of rain and soaring high temperatures, the Sahara Desert is often regarded as one of Earth’s most extreme and least habitable environments. Cross-section showing how a foggara or qanat works. An upward sloping tunnel is built into a hillside with vertical shafts until groundwater is reached. The groundwater then flows […]

Extraordinary Fossils From The End Of The Age Of The Dinosaurs – Study

Conny Waters – – The discovery of a spectacular fossil site in Argentina is helping shed new light on life at the end of the Cretaceous, the time period just before the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. Overview of the Cañadón Tomás Quarry (CTQ) site as of March 2023. Credit: Kara Fikse/Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh […]

Susa: One Of The World’s Oldest Cities That Served As Capital Of The Elamite Empire

A. Sutherland – – The ancient city of Susa (modern town of Shush, Khuzestan Province, Iran) remains one of the world’s oldest cities. It has been continuously inhabited since about 4200 BC (or even 5000 BC). It is one of the oldest human settlements in the Middle East, and its first traces date back […]

X-Rays Reveal Secret From Da Vinci’s Masterpiece Mona Lisa

Jan Bartek – –  Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa is an eternal masterpiece that has now given up a secret. Using X-rays and infrared spectroscopy to analyze the chemical composition of da Vinci’s paint mixture, scientists in France and Britain examined microscopic fragments from the celebrated work of art “Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa […]

What Is Real Meaning Of The Rat Wedding Banquet Scroll?

Jan Bartek – – Rats in the kitchen. Typically that implies issues with cleanliness and safety. But in medieval Japan, having rats in the kitchen could suggest an entirely different meaning. Such is the case with “The Illustrated Rat’s Tale” (Nezumi no sōshi emaki), an anonymous Japanese picture scroll created between 1550 and 1650 […]

3D Scans Of Runestones Reveal The Power Of Viking Queen Thyra

Jan Bartek – –   Archaeologists have used 3D scanning to investigate inscriptions carved on two groups of Danish runestones, revealing that four stones were likely made in dedication to a powerful Viking Queen named Thyra. The study reveals who carved the runes on the iconic Jelling Stone, and discovery shows that Queen Thyra was far […]