Humans Will Be Living And Working on The Moon By 2030, Says NASA

 According to a NASA official, humans will be able to live and work on the Moon by the year 2030. “We’re going to be sending people down…

Kepler-452b ‘Earth’s Bigger, Older Cousin’

NASA said that its Kepler spacecraft has spotted “Earth’s bigger, older cousin“: the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star…

A Meteorite That Fell To Earth Last Year Contains Alien Water And Elements for Life

Extraterrestrial water and DNA building blocks are found on the space rock that crashed into a field in Gloucestershire (the United Kingdom) back in 2021. An unusual…

NASA Scientists Discover Evidence of a Parallel Universe Where Laws of Physics are Reversed!

According to a study, in a scene right out of “The Twilight Zone,” a team of NASA researchers conducting an experiment in Antarctica have discovered evidence of…

BREAKING: Scientists Reveal The Discovery of a Portal to the Fifth Dimension

According to a recent research, the existence of a particle connected to a fifth dimension might explain dark matter. This study, which was published in The European…

An Extreme Black Hole Collision Just Proved Einstein Was Right

The Theory of Relativity, published in 1905 by Albert Einstein, postulated the existence of gravitational waves—oscillations of the space-time fabric—and more than a century later, we have…

Apophis: The asteroid we thought might hit us in 2029

Intro Somewhere out there in the solar system, orbiting the Sun every 271 days, it’s an asteroid called 2023 Dw that was recently spotted when it came…

BREAKING: Three new unusual particles have been found by the Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) collaboration has announced the discovery of three new exotic particles. Exotic particles, such as these, had only been theorized but not…

50 Years Ago NASA Sent a Map Into Space to Help Aliens Find Earth—Now They’ve Got An Awesome Update

In 1971, NASA sent a map into space developed by astrophysicists Carl Sagan and Frank Drake. This map aimed to help any Aliens who may come across…

Flat Earthers Claim Australia Doesn’t Exist And People Who Live There Are Actors Paid By NASA

A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat.  But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is a fake….