Jupiter’s moon Europa has more water than Earth, flowing under its twisted, icy crust. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope just spotted carbon dioxide too. An interesting clue in the search for alien life.

Scientists have found evidence that carbon dioxide on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa comes from the ocean hidden under its icy shell. This discovery, based on…

Scientists trap light inside a magnet

A new study led by Vinod M. Menon and his group at the City College of New York shows that trapping light inside magnetic materials may dramatically…

Quantum entanglement is a physical process through which pairs of particles become connected and remain so even when separated by vast distances. This fascinating phenomenon has been the focus of numerous research studies, due to its mysterious nature and promising real-world applications.

Particles can become entangled in a physical process called quantum entanglement, and their connections will persist even if they are separated by great distances. Numerous investigations have…

For nearly 40 years, materials called ‘strange metals’ have flummoxed quantum physicists, defying explanation by operating outside the normal rules of electricity.

For nearly 40 years, materials called ‘strange metals’ have flummoxed quantum physicists, defying explanation by operating outside the normal rules of electricity. Now research led by Aavishkar…

The comet Nishimura is heading away from the sun and on to the outer reaches of the solar system, so you’ll need to be quick if you want to catch a glimpse…

You have a short window of opportunity to see the comet Nishimura in the sky before it retreats to the outer solar system, not to return for…

Astronomers have found evidence that some stars boast unexpectedly strong surface magnetic fields, a discovery that challenges current models of how they evolve.

Astronomers have found evidence that some stars boast unexpectedly strong surface magnetic fields, a discovery that challenges current models of how they evolve. In stars like our…

A Northwestern University astrophysicist has created the longest time-lapse video of an exoplanet to date.

A Northwestern University astrophysicist has created the longest time-lapse video of an exoplanet to date. Constructed from real data, the footage shows Beta Pictoris b—a planet 12…

A gigantic blob of invisible dark matter has bent our galaxy out of shape, a new study suggests.

A mᴀssive blob of invisible dark matter warped our galaxy, a new study says. Since the mid-20th century, measurements have shown that the Milky Way is warped…

Using the Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers have investigated a galaxy seen almost 11 billion years back in time. Contrary to typical observations, the galaxy was discovered not by the light it emits, but by the light it absorbs.

Using the Hubble Space Telescope, an international team of astronomers led by researchers at the Cosmic Dawn Center in Copenhagen, have investigated a galaxy seen almost 11…

A team of researchers have uncovered further clues in the quest for insights into the nature of dark matter.

A team of international researchers, led by experts at the University of Adelaide, has uncovered further clues in the quest for insights into the nature of dark…