Earth Has Suddenly Started Rotating Faster And Just Broke Its Record For The Shortest Day

On June 29, 2022, something extraordinary happened to therate of spin of planet Earth. However, it probably had such a minuscule impacton your life that you can be forgiven for not even noticing.

Believe it or not, but you actually gained an extra 1.59milliseconds to your day. We hope you spent it wisely!

According to, on that day, our planet, asfar as scientists can tell, set a new record for the quickest time to completeone rotation.

But what? Isn’t the Earth’s day exactly 24 hours? Actually,no, well, not quite.

The first thing to note is that there are actually”kinds” of days, depending on your definition.

The first, a solar day, is a period of 24 hours during whichthe Earth rotates so that the Sun appears at the same location in the sky.However, a sidereal day, which is defined as 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.091seconds, is the time it takes for Earth to complete one full rotation on itsaxis with respect to distant stars.

Given these known times, we can actually calculate the”speed” at which the Earth is spinning too. To do this, we simplyneed our planet’s circumference to calculate it. The Earth’s circumference isaround 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometers) at the equator; multiplying this by thelength of the day yields a spin speed of approximately 1,038 miles per hour(1670 kph).

However, not all of the world rotates at the same rate. TheEarth’s circumference gets less as you move north or south, which causes thespin to slow down until it is at its slowest at both poles. And even that speedpales compared to the 66,486.7 mph (107,000 kph) that the Earth orbits the sunat.

Neat, but what about this “record-breaking” day?Well, first, we’ll need to know a little bit about “leap seconds.”

It had been believed, up until a few years ago, that theEarth’s rotation was slowing down as a result of numerous subsequent atomicclock readings made since 1973.

In order to account for the slower spin, the InternationalEarth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) has even started tooccasionally add leap seconds (it last happened on December 31, 2016).

That may still be the case over longer lengths of time, i.e.,the Earth’s rotation may still be generally slowing down.

After all, the Earth’s rotation is being slowed down overtime by the Moon. Tides are produced by the Moon’s gravitational pull, and theEarth’s orbital path around the Sun is slightly elliptical.

How quickly does the Earth rotate?

Atomic clocks have, however, recently revealed that theEarth’s rotation is rapidly accelerating. In fact, a 50-year phase of shorterdays may be starting right now.

Scientists note that 2020 had the 28 shortest days since1960. The shortest day in 2021 was longer than it was in 2020, reversing thetrend from the previous year.

But on June 29, 2022, our planet made its fastest-everrotation, and on July 26, 2022, there was a day that lasted 1.50 millisecondsless, apparently.

The Earth rotated in 1.4602 milliseconds less than 24 hourson July 19, 2020, breaking the previous record for the shortest revolution.

But, why is the Earth’s spin apparently accelerating?

The cause of the differing speed of Earth’s spin is unknown,but theories abound:

  • ·        Some have postulated that less weight on thepoles results from the melting of the glaciers.
  • ·        Others note that the molten core of our planet’sinterior is moving over time.
  • ·        Seismic activity could be another related cause,
  • ·        Yet others surmise that the movement of Earth’sgeographic poles across its surface — known as the “Chandlerwobble.”

Whether any of these theories hold water is yet to beascertained, but it could also be either a combination of these factors orsomething different entirely.

The significance of Earth’s rotational speed

Earth’s quickening rotation has consequences because atomicclocks—which are used in GPS satellites—don’t take into account the Earth’schanging rotation.

If Earth spins faster, then it gets to the same position alittle earlier. A half-a-millisecond equates to 10-inches or 26 centimeters atthe equator. In short, GPS satellites—which already have to be corrected forthe effect of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (the curve of space and time)— isquickly becoming useless.

There are also potentially confusing consequences forsmartphones, computers, and communications systems, which synchronize withNetwork Time Protocol (NTP) servers. It’s defined as the number of secondssince 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970.

To solve all these international timekeepers may need to adda negative leap second— a “drop second.” Though Earth may already be spinningas quickly as it ever will, a slowdown is inevitable.

But, we will ultimately have to see.


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