Exploring the mysteries of the Sarmatian Princely Burial Mound a journey back in time to an ancient civilization shrouded in history and wonder.

In early August of this year, an expedition of the Insтιтute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences led by Professor Leonid Yablonsky, head of the Faculty of Scythian-Sarmanian archeology, during the archaeological excavations of mound-1 in the village of Filippovka, in the Ilek district of the Orenburg region, discovered the grave of a noble man buried for about 2.5 thousand years back.

On the buried there were more than six hundred highly artistic items made of gold and silver. Gold jewelry – a gold pectoral around the neck, bracelets with griffins on the wrists, gold rings on each finger, a magnificent bronze mirror with a gold handle decorated with ornaments and stylized animals – an eagle is depicted in the center, surrounded by six winged bulls.

At first, the members of the expedition ᴀssumed that they had found the burial of a Sarmatian princess, but after a detailed study of the remains and an examination of skeletal morphology, they came to the conclusion that the skeleton belongs to a 40-year-old man. Near the remains of a man, a quiver with arrows with bronze tips, a vajra – an object resembling a wand, a bridle from a horse harness and horse teeth, painted in red pigment, were found.

Clothes of the Sarmatian prince IV – II centuries. BC. – pants, shirt and scarf with fringes, were decorated with many (395 pieces) pressed gold plaques in the form of flowers, hunting scenes of a panther, biting a saiga or an antelope.

The sleeves of the shirt were decorated with multi-colored beads, forming a complex geometric shape. Two cast gold earrings decorated in the style of cloisonné were found in the region of the temporal bones of the skull.

In kurgan-1 in the village of Filippovka, a mᴀssive cast bronze cauldron was found with handles in the form of a heraldic image of the heads of two griffins looking at each other. Images of griffins are made in the traditions of the Scythian-Siberian animal style.

The weight of the giant bronze cauldron is about half a ton, the diameter of the cauldron is 102 cm. The style of the ornament on the cauldron is typical of the early Sarmatian culture of the 5th-4th centuries BC.

In mound-1 in the village of Filippovka, a wooden bowl with golden handles in the form of a roaring bear figurine, a bronze mug with a cast silver handle in the form of a predatory beast were found.

The found Persian-made glᴀss vessel, a bronze dish-incense burner indicate the trade relations of the Sarmatians with the Persian State of the Achaemenids (ancient Persian Ariyānām Xšaçam), an ancient state that existed in the 6th-4th centuries. BC e. in Achaemenid Asia.

Despite the fact that the Scythian-Sarman tribes interacted with the Persian and Greek civilization, they retained their own unique culture.

Kurgan-1 in the village of Filippovka entered the annals of world culture with the discovery of 26 statuettes of “golden” deer with branched horns.

More than a thousand artifacts have been recovered from Kurgan-1 in the village of Filippovka, they represent an invaluable research resource that will shed light on the history of the Eurasian continent in the 4th-2nd centuries. BC.

These excavations represent a breakthrough in the study of the mysterious Sarmatian culture of the early Iron Age.

The found artifacts were transferred to the Orenburg Museum of Local History.

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