Indulging in the timeless tradition of savoring Old Persian Mummy unearthed grapebound delights in Cajamarquilla. A taste of history.

After they died, the wealthiest and most prominent residents of 18th-century Vilnius, Lithuania, were interred beneath the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit, in the center of town. Decades later, they were joined by the bodies of Napoleonic troops who had perished while headed home to France after their defeat in Russia.

Of the 500 bodies thought to have been buried beneath the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit, about 200 were naturally mummified. The rest, like this skull covered in fly remains, decomposed.

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The tombs were also employed by the living. When Vilnius was overrun by the Polish army in World War I, and by the Nazis in World War II, when the crypt was used as a bomb shelter. But the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ bodies inside endured—even when the Soviets tried to turn the hidden cellars into a museum celebrating atheism.

<p>CT scans of this mummy revealed clogged arteries. That means that the man’s wealth likely led him to a high-fat diet. He also suffered from tuberculosis.</p>
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“Those people buried there were resting and at the same time were witnesses to the historical events that characterized this city,” says Italian anthropologist Dario Piombino-Mascali, who has been studying the remains for five years.

<p>The rapid natural mummification left some of the bodies in incredibly pristine condition, preserving facial features that would normally decompose, like a nose and eyelids.</p>
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<p>More than half the bodies in the Lithuanian crypt quickly decomposed, leaving behind nothing but skeletal remains. But for some reason—perhaps the season of their death combined with the consistently dry underground climate—other bodies dried out and naturally turned into mummies. Instead of becoming skeletons, skin survived intact and facial features remained recognizable.</p>
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In fact, 23 of the crypt’s mummies remain in pristine condition. Piombino-Mascali, a National Geographic grantee, put them in a CT scanner, seeking to learn more about life and health in the 18th and 19th centuries. The mummies are just as important as those from ancient Egypt, he says, because they allow scientists to compare current health issues with those of the not-too-distant past.

<p>Many of the corpses had deformed big toes, suggesting that the wealthy buried under the church wore pointy, too-тιԍнт shoes.</p>
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<p>Before Piombino-Mascali’s findings, clogged arteries were seen largely as a disease of modernity, though hardened arteries had been seen in Egyptian mummies. Indeed, the Vilnius mummies bear the signs of obesity and sedentary lifestyles.</p><div class='code-block code-block-3' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;'>
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<p>Considered a masterpiece of Lithuanian Baroque architecture, the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit still holds mysteries in its crypt, which was long considered haunted. The church convent (foreground) has been abandoned since the 1800s.</p>
<p>” /><br />Most of the corpses also showed signs of cavities in their teeth. And several clearly endured tuberculosis. One young girl suffered from a birth defect and a bone-altering vitamin deficiency that might have been born of her family’s shame.</p>
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<p>This toddler apparently suffered from tuberculosis. Piombino-Mascali can’t explain the red spot on her skull.</p>
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<p>Here are some of Piombino-Mascali’s creepiest pictures from the project.</p>
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