Uncovering ancient mysteries A 1000yearold surgical kit discovered in a Sican tomb in Peru sheds light on medical practices of the past. Fascinating

The 1,000-year-old surgical kit found in Sican tomb, Peru The remains of an individual who served as a surgeon during the Middle Sican period (900-1050 AD) were…

Discovering the mysterious symbols left by Scotlands ancient painted people. Uncovering a lost history in the land of myths and legends.

Unknown symbols are written by the lost ‘painted people’ of Scotland unearthed What seemed like an eventful evening turned into an emotional discovery for the history books…

Unearthing history in India as large sandstone jars reveal ancient mysteries and cultural significance.

Large Sandstone Jars Discovered in India Giant mysterious jars that may have been used for burial rituals have been unearthed across four new sites in ᴀssam, India….

Exciting news Advanced technology is now being used to safeguard Pompeiis historic treasures and preserve its ancient ruins for future generations.

New Technology Employed to Protect Pompeii A four-legged robot called Spot has been deployed to wander around the ruins of ancient Pompeii, identifying structural and safety issues…

Exciting discovery in England A Roman malting oven has been uncovered shedding light on ancient brewing techniques and history. The past comes to life

Roman Malting Oven Uncovered in England Archaeologists unearthed the remains of a Roman oven during excavations at Field 44 in Bedfordshire, at a dig taking place near…

Archaeological discovery in Israel reveals the coexistence of Christian and Muslim symbols aboard a 7thcentury shipwreck shedding light on ancient cultural diversity and peaceful cohabitation. A truly fascinating testament to our shared history.

Christian, Muslim symbols were found in a 7th-century shipwreck in Israel About 1,300 years ago, a 25-meter-long ship sank just a few dozen meters from the coast…

Uncovering ancient marvels in Siberias Valley of the Kings Archaeologists bring to light treasures dating back 2500 years. What a find

Valley of the Kings archaeologists unearth treasures in Siberia dating back 2,500 years Archaeologists have discovered a large burial mound in the Siberian “Valley of the Kings”…

Earliest Record Of An Aurora Discovered In The Bamboo Annals

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The Bamboo Annals or Zhushu Jinian in Mandarin are a valuable source for the history and chronology of ancient China spanning ca. 2400 to 299 B.C. Historical events aside, unusual observations in the sky make an occasional appearance in the text. Although this chronicle has been known to scholars for […]

Unearthing secrets of ancient Egypt Researchers use scents to unlock the mysteries of Egyptian vessels shedding light on their contents. Join us as we delve into these historical findings

Scents Help Researchers Identify Contents of Egyptian Vessels More than 3,400 years after two ancient Egyptians were laid to rest, the jars of food left to nourish…

Why Was The Spartan Army So Successful?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Sparta was famous for being a city-state that valued discipline. The state’s citizens were expected to be loyal and contribute to Sparta’s prosperity. Located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in the southeastern portion of Greece, it was surrounded by several enemies. Credit: Adobe Stock – Stanislav […]