How Did Ancient Civilizations Make Sense Of The Cosmos And What Did They Get Right?

Conny Waters – – In the spring of 1900, a group of Greek sponge divers, blown off course by a storm in the Aegean, stumbled upon the wreck of an ancient Roman ship loaded with treasure that had sunk more than 2,000 years earlier off the remote Greek island of Antikythera. Returning the following […]

Rare Pictish Symbol Stone Found Near The Battle Of Nechtansmere Site

Jan Bartek – – Knowledge about the Picts is still limited and every discovery related to these people shed new light on the ancient history of Scotland. The Picts were brave and determined people who repelled the conquests of both Romans and Angles and won one of the most important battles in Scottish history. […]

Unique 9,000-Year-Old Shrine With Symbols Discovered At Neolithic Ritual Site In Jordan Desert

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists have discovered a unique 9,00-year-old shrine in the Jordan Desert. According to scientists the shrine “sheds an entirely new light on the symbolism, artistic expression as well as spiritual culture of these hitherto unknown Neolithic populations.” This pH๏τo provided by Jordan Tourism Ministry shows two carved standing stones at […]

Modern Humans Did Not Enter Europe By Sea – New Study Says

Jan Bartek – – How did the first modern humans reach the European continent? A new study shows that the first Homo sapiens could not have reached Europe over the Gibraltar or Sicily straits, but they might have got to Eurasia by crossing the Bab-al-Mandab Strait. According to the study published in the journal PALAEO3, there […]

New Species Of Stegosaur Is Oldest Discovered In Asia, And Possibly The World

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – A new species of one of the most recognizable types of dinosaur is the oldest stegosaur ever found in Asia, and one of the earliest unearthed anywhere in the world, according to research published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Bashanosaurus primitivus has distinctive grooves on its armored plates, […]

Artifacts And Long History Of Unguja Island – Ancient Humans Impact Island’s Environment

Conny Waters – – Unguja Ukuu is a small settlement on Unguja island (Zanzibar Island), in Zanzibar, Tanzania. It is an archaeological site that has yielded abundant artifacts and evidence of the long history of Unguja Ukuu. Artifacts unearthed at Unguja Ukuu came from many places all over the world: pottery from the Far East, Near East, India, […]

Mystery Of The Ancient Lost Megalithic City Of Nhambiquaras And The Curious Roman Figurine

Ellen Lloyd – – We learned about many remarkable, long-forgotten ancient cities hidden in the Amazon Jungle in recent years. Such discoveries made thanks to LIDAR have helped archaeologists shed new light on ancient riddles and improve our understanding of the past. Using light detection and ranging technology, scientists have located never-before-seen monuments, cities, […]

12,000-Year-Old Rock Art In North America – Dating Petroglyphs In The American West

Conny Waters – – Cut into several boulders located within the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, in western Nevada, the petroglyphs date to at least 10,500 years ago and perhaps even as far back as 14,800 years ago. They are – no doubt – North America’s great legacy! North America’s petroglyphs at the Winnemucca Lake are […]

Homo Sapiens In China And What Happened When They Encountered Denisovans Or Neanderthals

Conny Waters – – A well-preserved Palaeolithic site in northern China reveals a new and previously unidentified set of cultural innovations. When did populations of Homo sapiens first arrive in China and what happened when they encountered the Denisovans or Neanderthals who lived there? A new study by an international team of researchers opens […]

Administrative Centre Dated To 2181–2055 BC Unearthed In Kom Ombo, Upper Egypt

Conny Waters – – Remains of a large administrative facility from the First Intermediate Period were uncovered during an excavation carried out by an Austrian-Egyptian mission led by Eriny Foster this week at the Upper Egyptian town of Kom Ombo that lies approximately 45 km north of Aswan on the east bank of the […]