1,800-Year-Old Buddhist Stupa And Relics Discovered Near Bazira, The Ancient City Of Alexander The Great

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists excavating in Pakistan report they have unearthed a 1,800-year-old Buddhist stupa and relics in the region of the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This is a great archaeological discovery for several reasons. To begin with, this is the largest and oldest stupa found in the region. The fact scientists […]

Ancient Roman Portable Toilets Studied By Scientists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A new study reveals how archeologists can determine when a pot was used by Romans as a portable toilet, known as a chamber pot. “Conical pots of this type have been recognized quite widely in the Roman Empire and in the absence of other evidence they have often been called […]

Dolmen de Soto: Unique Millennia-Old Underground Structure Remains A Puzzling Enigma

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – Among the more than two hundred megalithic structures discovered in southwestern Spain’s province of Huelva, there is one particularly impressive and, at the same time, mysterious and puzzling. Dolmen de Soto in Spain. Credit: Diario de Huelva A giant millennia-old underground structure known as Dolmen de Soto, buried beneath a […]

Hayk – Legendary Patriarch And Founder Of Armenia Who Defeated King Bel Of Babylon

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – People in Armenia say they are descendants of Hayk (Haic), who was their Patriarch and founder of the nation. Knowledge about the fascinating legend of Hayk comes from Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi (410 – c. 490). Khorenatsi documented the events in the life of the legendary Patriarch in the book […]

Unveiling the past New findings push back our understanding of human evolution by 30000 years. The story of our origins keeps getting more fascinating

Fossils that “clearly foreshadow” modern humans are 30,000 years older than we thought The Omo I and Herto fossils, found in East Africa, are the oldest known Homo…

Uncovering history one mural at a time. This 115yearold building holds secrets worth preserving and admiring for generations to come.

A couple renovating a 115-year-old building discovered two 60-foot-long hidden murals What started out as a couple’s renovation project to convert a historic building into a bar…

Climate In The Andes Has Driven 7,000 Years Of Dietary Changes – New Study Reveals

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – What a person eats influences that person’s health, longevity and experience in the world. Identifying the factors that determine people’s diets is important to answer the bigger questions, such as how changing climates will influence unequal access to preferred foods. A new study led by University of Utah anthropologists provides […]

Mystery Of The Ancient Reptilian Gods Remains A Complex Subject – Alien Worlds – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – In part 1 of this series we looked at ancient memories of so-called reptilian gods. We examined some ancient artifacts and discussed the relationship between past civilizations separated by vast distances. Now it is time to investigate this complex subject from a more scientific point of view. What can science […]

Traces Of Viking Raids Remain Visible In Modern Russian Economy And Politics

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Vikings were not a uniform phenomenon in ancient Scandinavia. They were part of a complex system of plunder economy that existed in Europe until the early Middle Ages. With royal power rising, independent raiders either joined the new power or moved to peripheries. The last dragon ships sailed the Siberian […]

Unearthed fossil reveals the last meal of an armored dinosaur This remarkable discovery provides a glimpse into prehistoric life.

Armored Dinosaur’s Last Meal Found Preserved in Its Fossilized Belly More than 110 million years ago, a lumbering 1,300-kilogram, armour-plated dinosaur ate its last meal, died, and…