Ancient Maya Sacred Groves Of Cacao Trees – Located

Conny Waters – – This important discovery sheds much light on cacao cultivation, religion, power in the region. For as much as modern society worships chocolate, cacao — the plant chocolate comes from — was believed to be even more divine to ancient Mayas. The fermented, roasted, and ground beans of the Theobroma cacao, […]

Unicorns myth or reality Turns out they were just misunderstood rhinos

Did ‘unicorns’ co-exist with humans? Yes, but they were just rhinos Sorry, guys, but I’m going to be a killjoy on this one. But first, the good…

Mystery Of The Ancient Moonless Ones – Strange Tales Of Unusual Lost Civilizations

Ellen Lloyd – – As we continue our quest to find ancient, lost civilizations, we stumble upon intriguing very old texts that mention highly unusual beings who once walked the Earth. The greatest problem with the mentioned lost civilizations is that they must have been very unlike humans, as described by ancient authors. Some […]

Garamantes: 3,000-Year-Old Sophisticated North African Society Built 3,000-Mile Network Of Underground Irrigation Canals

A. Sutherland  – – Many legends surround the mysterious Kingdom of Garamantes, which was once situated in the oases of Fezzan, Libya. This indigenous Saharan society had towns, flourishing oasis agriculture, technological achievements, and trading contacts with the Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan Africa. During the Neolithic period in Africa (ca 1000 BC) and until about […]

Riddle Of Brazilian Atlantis – Strange Discovered Rocks The World Forgot About

Ellen Lloyd – – The legendary lost continent of Atlantis appears in ancient myths and legends worldwide. Ancient people were familiar with a marvelous land that vanished a very long time ago. Researchers have debated the existence of Atlantis for years. Some say the continent is nothing but a myth, while others are convinced, […]

How Did A Major Cooling Event 8,200 Years Ago Affect Hunter-Gatherers?

Jan Bartek – – New insight into how our early ancestors dealt with major shifts in climate is revealed in recent research. It reveals new radiocarbon dates show the large Early Holocene cemetery of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov, at Lake Onega, some 500 miles north of Moscow, previously thought to have been in use for […]

Legend Of The Ruthven Barracks Where Alexander Stewart Played Chess With The Devil

Ellen Lloyd – – One of the most interesting events in the history of Scotland is the Jacobite Rebellion. Also known as the Forty-five Rebellion, this was an attempt of the House of Stuart to re-establish itself on the British throne. Though the Jacobite Rebellion failed in 1745, mainly due to poor leadership and […]

Ancient Knowledge About Horse Taming Is Rewriting Our Picture Of The Past

Jan Bartek – – Horses have been intrinsically entwined with human history for the past five millennia, acting as an early means of rapid transport and playing a key part in agriculture, warfare and sport. Despite this, major decades-long mysteries have surrounded where and how modern horses were first domesticated. Yet a large international […]

Survivors Of The Latest Ice Age Thrived Near The Sea Of Galilee 23,000 Years Ago

Jan Bartek – – A team of scientists examined the remains of a previously submerged fisher-hunter-gatherer camp on the shores of the Sea of Galilee from around 23,000 years ago and discovered something interesting. Through a close analysis of the abundance, variety and through use of animal remains, the team concluded that these survivors […]

Mysterious Underground City In Brazil Could Re-Write Ancient History – Riddle Of The 12 Men – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – – As previously discussed in part 1, scientists were baffled to find artifacts and skeletons in this never-before explored subterranean realm, but this was just the beginning of a much more complicated and longer story. Not far from the site, there were more mysterious that defied explanations. What was the source […]