Apalala: Harsh Dragon Controlling Swat River Who Became Benevolent Naga King Helping People In Buddhist Tradition

Angela Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – Among many tales that survived from the era of northern Pakistan, which was the sacred Buddhist heartland of Gandhara, there was one dedicated to a terrifying water-dwelling Dragon/Naga, Apalala. According to Buddhist mythological stories, this water god lived in the mountain spring that was the source of the Swat River […]

Scientists Question Whether Meat Eating Really Changed Human Evolution

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Quintessential human traits such as large brains first appear in Homo erectus nearly 2 million years ago. This evolutionary transition towards human-like traits is often linked to a major dietary shift involving greater meat consumption. A new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however, calls into question the […]

Mycenaean Culture Used Lignite For Their Kilns 3,000 Years Ago – Surprising Discovery Reveals

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The Mycenaean culture in Bronze Age Greece is not only famous for works of art such as the “Gold Mask of Agamemnon”, but also for the beginning of export-oriented mᴀss production of elaborately made ceramic vessels and bronzes, such as swords and vessels. An international team led by LMU archaeologist […]

Mysterious Underground City In Brazil Could Re-Write Ancient History – Unexplained Artifacts And Skeletons – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – It does not happen often, but scientists stumble upon something that is almost stranger than fiction every now and then. Many years ago, researchers excavating in Brazil discovered mysterious, ancient underground ruins. When they entered the narrow tunnels, they reached an enigmatic subterranean city where peculiar artifacts and unusual skeletons […]

Giant Blocks For Sphinx-Shaped King AmenH๏τep III Colossi Uncovered In Luxor, Egypt

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – King AmenH๏τep III, also known as AmenH๏τep the Great, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. During his reign, Egypt successfully managed to keep peaceful relationships with other nations and forge vital alliances. King AmenH๏τep III was wise and married several daughters from the Kingdom of Mitanni and Babylon giving […]

Uncovering ancient secrets Researchers suggest 5000yearold metal tubes were used as straws for drinking. An intriguing discovery

Researchers Say 5000-year-old Metal Tubes May’ve Been Used As Straws For Drinking Artist’s interpretation of the straws in use. A set of gold and silver tubes found…

Legendary And Mysterious Stone Of Brutus – The London Stone Refuses To Give Up Its Secrets

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Why the mysterious Stone Of Brutus was brought to London, UK, remains unknown. Several theories attempt to explain Stone’s enigmatic past, but even to this day, this mysterious Stone refuses to give up its secrets. The London Stone. Credit: Lonpicman – CC BY-SA 3.0 It is possibly more than 3,000 […]

20 Mummies Discovered In Greco-Roman Tombs In Aswan, Egypt

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A team of archaeologists excavating in Aswan, Egypt has unearthed 20 mummies in ancient burial chambers. According to Ahram Online, “The first part is a rectangular building containing the entrance built above ground from sandstone blocks covered by a vault of mud bricks. Credit: Ahram Online The second part leads […]

How Saul, A Farmer Boy Became The First King Of Israel

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – One of the most important and interesting people mentioned in the Bible is King Saul, the first monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel. Knowledge of King Saul can be found in the Old Testament, the Book of Samuel, and the accounts paint a vivid portrait of the monarch’s dramatical […]

Mysterious Kofun – Ancient Japanese Tombs Were Aligned Towards The Rising Sun And Goddess Amaterasu – Satellite Images Reveal

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – In Japan there are several interesting megalithic tombs that have long interested scientists. Known as Kofun (“ancient grave”), the structures were “constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD.  The kofun ancient graves (from Kofun period ca 300-710 AD) have been built in various shapes throughout […]