Durendal – Magical Sword Of Knight Roland That Cut Stone Boulders With A Single Strike

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – One of the most famous swords in the history of humanity is the legendary Durendal, which belonged to Roland, Charlemagne’s knightly champion and the hero of many French ballads, legends, and songs. Alleged fragment of Durendal in Rocamadour. Image credit: Patrick Clenet  – CC BY-SA 3.0 Charlemagne’s mysterious sword  “Joyeuse” contained […]

Oldest Surviving Drinking Straws Identified – ‘Sceptres’ From The Maikop Kurgan

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The Bronze Age Maikop kurgan is one of the most richly furnished prehistoric burial mounds in the northern Caucasus. Excavations conducted in the area in 1897, revealed a set of gold and silver tubes with elaborate tips and decorative bull figurines. Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University […]

Ancient Human Feeding Behavior Studied By Scientists

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – It’s a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon: would you rather be running after tasteless wild berries, or curled up on your couch with fuzzy socks and a good book? You might not have had that choice if our ancestors had not taken a big gamble with their food. Early humans […]

Mysterious And Unexplained Encounter With Unusual Tiny Beings In Italy – A Strange Connection – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – As we discussed in part 1, everything the man witnessed that morning indicated the mysterious creatures were no ordinary human beings. Something was wrong with them, and he decided to learn more by attempting to communicate with the enigmatic creatures, but what occurred next was an even greater mystery. Could […]

First Insight Into 3,500-Year-Old Cuisine Of The Enigmatic Nok Culture

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, in co-operation with colleagues from Goethe University, Frankfurt, has uncovered the first insights into the origins of West African plant-based cuisine, locked inside pottery fragments dating back some 3,500 years ago. West African cuisine has long been known for its […]

Ancient Mesopotamian Discovery Changes Our Understanding Of Early Agriculture Practices

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Rutgers researchers have unearthed the earliest definitive evidence of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) in ancient Iraq, challenging our understanding of humanity’s earliest agricultural practices. Their findings appear in the journal Scientific Reports. “Overall, the presence of millet in ancient Iraq during this earlier time period challenges the accepted narrative of agricultural development in […]

Beer And Hallucinogens Reinforced The State Of The Wari Culture

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Many ancient civilizations have used alcohol, beer, and hallucinogens. The world’s oldest paycheck reveals ancient Sumerian workers were paid in beer, and this practice was widespread throughout the ancient world. In ancient Egypt, workers often received wages were often paid in beer and other supplies and the workmen living in the workers’ village […]

Mysterious And Unexplained Encounter With Unusual Tiny Beings In Italy – The Thing – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Stories of encounters with mysterious little beings are always fascinating, especially when these reports come from credible witnesses, like the one we will discuss this time. How can we explain meetings with such unknown, little beings? Sometimes, the fact presented by witnesses suggest these strange creatures do not belong on […]

Ancient Highways Unearthed In Arabia

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – The desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula and Levant are crisscrossed by innumerable pathways. Across large areas of northwest Arabia, many of these pathways are flanked by stone monuments, the vast majority of which are ancient tombs. Keyhole-shaped tombs flanking a funerary avenue in the al Ha’it Oasis. Credit: University […]

230,000-Year-Old Human Remains Discovered In Eastern Africa – Rewrite Ancient History

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The age of the oldest fossils in eastern Africa widely recognized as representing our species, Homo sapiens, has long been uncertain. Now, dating of a mᴀssive volcanic eruption in Ethiopia reveals they are much older than previously thought. The remains—known as Omo I—were found in Ethiopia in the late 1960s, and […]