Beautiful Legend Of Maneki-neko – The Japanese Good Luck Charm Cat Raising A Paw

Ellen Lloyd – – You may have seen the Maneki-neko several times. Statues of the Maneki-neko are sold in various shops, but not everyone is familiar with the legend behind this beloved Japanese good luck charm cat that is raising a paw. Cats have long been held in high regard in Japan, and these […]

Human Activities In The Year 1300 Impacted Earth’s Atmosphere More Than Previously Known

Jan Bartek – – Several years ago, while analyzing ice core samples from Antarctica’s James Ross Island, scientists Joe McConnell, Ph.D., and Nathan Chellman, Ph.D., from DRI, and Robert Mulvaney, Ph.D., from the British Antarctic Survey noticed something unusual: a substantial increase in levels of black carbon that began around the year 1300 and […]

Italian Sailors Knew Of America 150 Years Before Christopher Columbus – Ancient Documents Reveal

Jan Bartek – – New analysis of ancient writings suggests that sailors from the Italian hometown of Christopher Columbus knew of America 150 years before its renowned ‘discovery’. Transcribing and detailing a, circa, 1345 document by a Milanese friar, Galvaneus Flamma, Medieval Latin literature expert Professor Paolo Chiesa has made an “astonishing” discovery of […]

A Glimpse Into The Past – Sights And Sounds Of St. Paul’s Cathedral Recreated

Jan Bartek – – A team of scholars at NC State University has recreated the sights and sounds of St. Paul’s Cathedral and its environs in 1620s London, offering anyone who is interested a glimpse of daily life four centuries ago. “It’s not time travel, but we’re modeling the past in a way that gives […]

John Dee’s Magical Mirror Used To Contact Spirits Can Be Traced To The Aztecs

Jan Bartek – – English mathematician, occultist, astrologer, astronomer John Dee was one of the most learned men of his time. He lived when people were in the process of learning the difference between science and magic.  Born on July 13, 1527 John Dee who was interested in magic and Hermetic philosophy lectured briefly […]

Heliopolis ‘Sun City’ Was One Of The Most Ancient Cities Of Egypt

A. Sutherland  – – Heliopolis (” city of the Sun,” or “city of pillars”) was a city in ancient Egypt, located right at the apex of the Nile Delta, 8 km east of the river and about 10 km north of the modern capital of Egypt, Cairo. The ruined area is called Tell Hisn […]

Mystery Of The Tomb Of Nestor’s Cup Unraveled

Jan Bartek – – The Tomb of Nestor’s Cup, a famous burial in Italy, contains not one deceased individual, but several, according to a new study. The Tomb of Nestor’s Cup is considered one of the most intriguing discoveries in Mediterranean pre-classic archaeology. Formally designated Cremation 168 and dating to the 8th century BCE, […]

What Happened To The Homo Sapiens In The Thar Desert When They Encountered The Indian Monsoon System

Jan Bartek – – The longest lasting tool-making tradition in prehistory, known as the Acheulean, appears more than 1.5 million years ago in Africa and 1.2 million years ago in India, and mainly consists of stone handaxes and cleavers (Figure 1). New research led by the Max Planck Insтιтute for the Science of Human […]

Ancient Coffin Of Priest Psamtik, Son Of Osiris And Five Replicas Of Goddess Maat Sent On Upcoming Expo

Jan Bartek – – In a recent announcement Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities told the press several magnificent ancient Egyptian artifacts will be sent on an upcoming display. At the Expo Dubai 2020, an event that starts on 1 October 2021 and will continue till 31 March 2022 visitors will be able to […]

Magnificent 1,800-Year-Old Rock Tombs Beautifully Decorated Discovered In The Ancient City Of Blaundus

Jan Bartek – – Built on a vast plain surrounded by deep valleys and canyons the ancient city of Blandus was once a was a Roman episcopal city in Asia Minor. Located in Anatolia the city of Blandus was established by Roman Commander Blaundus as Alexander the Great was off to a campaign in […]