Secret High-Tech Knowledge Hidden In Ancient Manuscripts And The Mysterious Seven Sky Kings

Angela Sutherland – – Is ancient sacred wisdom of the gods kept in remote monasteries? Thousands of old manuscripts are stored at monasteries among the highest and most inaccessible regions of the Himalayas. A closer examination of some of these texts reveals many surprises. Some think the ancient wisdom of Tibet must have been […]

Secrets Of 160,000 Ancient Texts Kept In The Abbey Library Of St. Gall May Soon Be Unlocked By AI

Jan Bartek – – The Abbey Library of St. Gall in Switzerland is home to approximately 160,000 volumes of literary and historical manuscripts dating back to the eighth century, all of which are written by hand, on parchment, in languages rarely spoken in modern times. To preserve these historical accounts of humanity, such texts, […]

No Evidence Ancient Caribbeans Were Cannibals – Scientists Say

Conny Waters – – The theory ancient Carribeans were cannibals has long been debated, but there is no evidence supporting these claims. It was Christopher Columbus (1451 -1506), an Italian explorer, and navigator who completed four journeys across the Atlantic Ocean who stated a group of marauding cannibals from South America descended on islands […]

Birds – Mysterious Avian Messengers That Symbolized Bridge Between Humans And Gods In World Beliefs

Angela Sutherland  – – Birds have always had an important place in the mythologies of many cultures around the world. Almost all beliefs of ancient people have myths and legends ᴀssociated with these mysterious creatures that could be very close to both humans and gods. Birds have symbolized the higher realms, as shown in […]

Magnificent ‘Sword Pyramid’ Lost By A Sutton Hoo-Era Lord Discovered In Norfolk

Jan Bartek – – A metal detectorist has discovered a magnificent, 1,400-year-old ‘sword-pyramid’ in Breckland, Norfolk, United Kingdom. An artifact like this one usually comes in pairs, just like earrings which is why one must ᴀssume it was lost by a Sutton Hoo-era lord “careening around the countryside” on his horse. Credit: Andrew William […]

Coricancha – Stunning Golden Garden And Lost Treasures Of The Inca

Ellen Lloyd – – Today, there are only some ancient ruins left, but during the times of the Inca, Coricancha must have been a marvelous place to see. Coricancha was a garden of gold and silver where the Inca placed small, beautiful metal objects created in the image of plants, animals, and people. Located in […]

What Can Languages And Grammar Reveal About Our Ancient History?

Jan Bartek – – Humans have been always on the move, creating a complex history of languages and cultural traditions dispersed over the globe. An international team under UZH’s lead has now traced families of related languages over more than 10,000 years by combining data from genetics, linguistics and musicology using novel digital methods. […]

Ponte di Cecco – Legend Of A Bridge Built By An Astrologer With The Help Of The Devil

Jan Bartek – – Many places are ᴀssociated with strange legends telling people to use supernatural power or get help from dark forces to accomplish something. In Italy, there are several ancient structures ᴀssociated with the Devil. One of them is the Ponte di Cecco bridge located in the town of Ascoli Piceno. Having […]

Long-Lost Anglo-Saxon Monastery Ruled By Queen Cynethryth Of Mercia Discovered By Archaeologists

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists excavating in Berkshire, UK have discovered a long-lost Anglo-Saxon monastery that belonged to one of the most powerful women of the Early Middle Ages. It was most likely also her likely final resting place. The location of the 8th-century monastery in the Berkshire village of Cookham, on the banks […]

Tides And Hurricane Activity Impacted The Maya Civilization – What Can This Tell About Modern Climate Change?

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – New research shows changes in tides and hurricane activity played a part in upending the Maya civilization centuries ago. Changes to the water table throughout the Yucatan Peninsula impacted the Maya and now offer lessons on the effects of present-day climate change, researchers say. Credit: Public Domain “Big parts of the […]