The Black Pyramid Of Amenemhat III – Mysterious Underground Chambers And Lost Ancient Treasures

Ellen Lloyd – – The Black Pyramid, constructed under the reign of Amenemhat III, was initially erected as a monumental edifice that bore witness to the Pharaoh’s magnificent grandeur. Unfortunately, the pyramid, originally named Amenemhet is Mighty, has been looted and lost all its treasures. The pyramid got its name for its dark, decaying […]

King Khufu’s 4,600-Year-Old Solar Boat Has Been Transported To The Grand Egyptian Museum

Jan Bartek – – King Khufu’s 4,600-year-old solar boat has been transported from the Pyramid’s archaeological site to the Grand Egyptian Museum. Experts say it is the largest ancient royal vessel ever found in Egypt and one of the oldest planked vessels in the world. It was built for Khufu (Cheops), the second pharaoh […]

What Can Archaeology Tells Us About Climate Change?

Jan Bartek – – Throughout history, people of different cultures and stages of evolution have found ways to adapt, with varying success, to the gradual warming of the environment they live in. But can the past inform the future, now that climate change is happening faster than ever before? Yes, say an international team […]

The Green Knight – New Movie Based On Arthurian Legend

Jan Bartek – – If you enjoy Arthurian legends you may want to see the Green Knight, a new movie that premiered this summer. The plot is based on the story of Sir Gawain, a knight of the Round Table. As always with such movies, the expectations were high long before the premier, and the reviews […]

Secrets Of The ᴀssyrian Dream Book And Dream Interpretation In The Ancient Near East

Ellen Lloyd – – Dreams have always been of interest to ancient cultures. Our ancestors often believed dreams could foretell the future, and it was essential to unlocking the secrets of God’s divine messages. Mesopotamian writing- cuneiform tablets. Credit: Public Domain Many ancient civilizations treated dreams as Gods’ communication with mortals. People believed that […]

Change Of Burial Tradition Among The People of Early Medieval Europe

Conny Waters – – In the middle of the sixth century AD, traditional furnished burial changed to (those with grave goods to include jewelry, dress accessories, tools, and personal items, etc) to ‘unfurnished’ (those without grave goods). This transition took place among the people of western medieval Europe, and the unfurnished inhumation method of […]

Researchers Sequenced 137 Human Genomes From The Middle East

Conny Waters – – The Middle East region is important to understand human evolution and migrations but is underrepresented in genomic studies. Whole-genome sequencing efforts around the world have offered important insights into human diversity, historical migrations, and the relationships between people of different regions—but scientists still don’t have a complete picture because some […]

Scipio Africanus – Rome’s Greatest General Who Defeated Unbeatable Hannibal

Angela Sutherland – – Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius – (237-183 BC) was a Roman general and the greatest of the famous Roman family of the Scipios, aristocrats, and militaries that commanded armies. In this painting by Tiepolo, Scipio Africanus is shown releasing the nephew of the Prince of Numidia after he was captured by […]

Was King William II Murdered In The New Forest?

Ellen Lloyd – – Some historical mysteries cannot be easily solved. One of them involves King William II, who died under mysterious circumstances. Historians are still debating what happened on August 2, 1100, in the New Forest. Was King William II sH๏τ by accident or murdered? Left: William II of England, Credit: Matthew Paris, […]

Discovered 3,700-Year-Old Clay Tablet Shows Babylonians Used Geometry Long Before Pythagoras

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have once again found proof our ancestors were more sophisticated than previously thought. There is much to learn from cuneiform tablets, or of the earliest systems of writing invented by the Sumerians, but one has to know what to look for. Sometimes, what you search for is hiding in […]