Just 7% Of Our DNA Is Unique To Modern Humans – We Are Not Much Different From The Neanderthals

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – It is not the first time scientists say modern humans and Neanderthals are closely related. Only this time, scientists have determined how much of our DNA is unique to us. It turns out it is a small fraction really, just 7% of our DNA is unique to modern humans! According […]

Ancient City Of Laodicea With One Of ‘Seven Churches Of Asia’ Founded By The King Antiochus II

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – The seventh and final letter to the churches of ancient Asia Minor is to the church in Laodicea, a significant hub of Christianity. Ancient city of Laodicea contained one of the Seven churches of Asia mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The biblical Laodicea was designated “Laodicea on the Lycus” […]

Celtic Tree Of Life – Portal To Invisible Worlds And Source Of Sacred Knowledge

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – To ancient Celts, nature and animals were sacred and must be treated with respect. The spiritual world was invisible. Gateways were leading from the material into the spiritual world. The physical world was believed to be much more complex than we can imagine. Credit: Adobe stock – jozefklopacka The Celtic Tree […]

Three Unusual Celestial Journeys And The Chosen Ones Initiated Into The Secrets Of The Gods

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Ancient Sumerians stated everything they knew was taught to them by the gods. While examining ancient sacred texts, we discover gods’ secret knowledge was only pᴀssed on to specific individuals, the Chosen Ones. Initiated into the secrets of the heavens and Earth, they were later allowed to share some of […]

Mahabalipuram: Ancient Ruined City And Its Marvellous Rock-Cut Architecture In South India

Angela Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – Mahabalipuram is a ruined city located on the coast just 60 km south of Chennai. Even looking at the city’s ruins, it is obvious the place represents one of the most famous examples of ancient Indian art and architecture. Varaha cave temple entrance. Image credit: Vsundar  – CC BY-SA 3.0 […]

Rare Kakatiya Dynasty Sculptures Discovered Near A Temple In Telangana, India

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Scientists in India have discovered rare and beautiful sculptures of the Kakatiya Dynasty near a temple. The 800-year-old sculptures are of great historical significance and exhibit the talent of the Kakatiya sculptors. The finding was made by representatives of New Telangana History Group (NTHG) headed by Sriramoju Haragopal who found […]

Anchor Church Caves – Has The Home Of Anglo-Saxon King Eardwulf And Saint Hardulph Been Found?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The Anchor Church Caves in the United Kingdom have long held a secret, but no one knew it, at least not until now. At first sight, the caves between Foremark and Ingleby in South Derbyshire, UK, appear beautiful and ordinary. However, when archaeologists conducted a detailed survey of the caves, […]

Tezcatlipoca: Enigmatic Aztec God Who Looked Inside People’s Hearts And Observed Their Deeds On Earth

A. Sutherland  – AncientPages.com – No doubt, Tezcatlipoca (‘Lord оf thе Smоking Mirror’) was one of the most powerful deities of pre-Columbian Mexico. Tezcatlipoca “Lord of the Night Winds”. Image credit: Lewis Spence – Public Domain In the mythology of the late Maya and Aztecs, he is one of the four creator gods.  Known as the Black […]

Great Sakya Library Is Home To 84,000 Scrolls Left Untouched For Hundreds Of Years

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – One of the most incredible ancient libraries one can encounter is located inside the Sakaya monastery in Tibet. The great Sakaya library is home to 84,000 scrolls that have remained untouched for hundreds of years! Being examined by the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences, it is now known these ancient […]

Apedemak: Did The Three-Headed Lion War God Of Kush Originate From Ancient India?

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Considered the war god of Kush, Apedemak was worshiped in ancient Meroe, a once magnificent and wealthy capital in the kingdom of Kush in Nubia, present-day Sudan. Today, there are few ancient remains of the stunning buildings built by the Meroitics, but archaeologists have been able to confirm the tall, […]