Mystery Of The 80 Million-Year-Old Sharks’ Teeth In The City Of David

Conny Waters – – A cache of fossilized shark teeth unearthed in a 2900-year-old site in the City of David in Jerusalem is an ancient puzzle to researchers. This find should not be found in this area. This is at least 80 km from where these fossils would be expected to be found. There […]

Necklace Of Harmony – Powerful Ill-Fated Piece Of Jewelry With Curse

A. Sutherland  – – Among the fabled objects in Greek mythology, a precious piece of jewelry is known to bring misfortune to all its owners or wearers. This mysterious object, made of gold and in the shape of two serpents adorned with precious jewels, is known as the Necklace of Harmony’. Grotto (far left) and […]

Golosov Ravine – Mysterious Time-Warping Mist Causing Unexplained Disappearances And The Ancient Shrine Of God Veles

Jan Bartek – – The beautiful Golosov Lavine has always been a strange and mysterious place. It is said a puzzling time-warping mist occasionally appears over the ravine, and when it happens, people disappear. Are the legends of time travel true? Can a person walk straight into a mist only to find themselves in […]

Rare Trove Of Ancient Metal Objects Unearthed In Mississippi Was Left By The Spaniards When The Chickasaws Attacked

Jan Bartek – – Archaeologists excavating in Mississippi report unearthing a rare trove of ancient metal objects that may have been left by the Spaniards when the Chickasaws attacked them in 1541. As many as 80 artifacts have been discovered at a site known as Stark Farms, an area of northeastern Mississippi. Large Number […]

Mysterious 3,200-Year-Old Hitтιтe Map Of The Cosmos And The 12 Gods

Conny Waters – – The Hitтιтes studied the night sky with the same interest as any other ancient civilization. As previously reported on Ancient Pages, scientists suggested a secret, ancient lunar calendar is hidden at a Hitтιтe sanctuary in Turkey. This carving at Yazilikaya is said to depict 12 gods of the underworld. Credit: […]

Hoard Of Roman Bronze Coins Turns Out To Be Offering For Safe Crossing

Conny Waters –  – Several years ago, two amateur archaeologists from Brabant discovered over a hundred Roman coins near Berlicum in the north of the province. Berlicum was most probably founded between 600 and 700 AD. After years of research, it now appears that the location, close to a ford in the river, was […]

Was Biblical King David Unknowingly Part Of A Secret Master Plan?

Ellen Lloyd – – When studying sacred, ancient texts, one should always pay attention because highly significant information can be “hidden between the lines.” On other occasions, Biblical texts can be straightforward, but we miss the essential part because we don’t quite understand what we are reading. The Biblical mystery story we present today […]

Barabar Caves: The Oldest Surviving Rock-Cut Caves With Acoustic Effects In India

A. Sutherland – – The Barabar Caves are considered the oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India. Mostly dated to the Maurya Empire (322-185 BC), they were carved out of huge, hard granite rock. The surfaces of caves are not only remarkably polished and beautiful but also enhance every sound inside the caves. Entrances of […]

Carved Stone Depicting Mystery Horseman Unearthed At Roman Vindolanda, Hadrian’s Wall

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists search for clues to identify a mystery horseman after carved relief was uncovered at Roman Vindolanda, Hadrian’s Wall. A beautifully carved sandstone relief that depicts a naked male figure holding a spear and standing in front of a horse/donkey has been uncovered during the annual excavations at the Roman […]

Researchers Study Human Mobility At The Bronze Age City Of Alalakh, Turkey

Conny Waters – – Researchers studied the movement of people at a Bronze Age city Alalakh (Tell Atchana) in present-day southeastern Turkey, during the period from 1600-1200 BC, when powerful empires from Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt set up large networks of subordinate client kingdoms in the Near East. Map showing the location of Alalakh in […]