How Ramesses II Became The Greatest Pharaoh In Egypt

Ellen Lloyd – – Having a high opinion of himself and believing he was destined to become a great ruler, Pharaoh Ramesses II wanted the world to remember him long after his death. His wish was fulfilled, and Ramesses II is today widely recognized as the greatest and most powerful Pharaoh in the history […]

Unexpected Discovery Reveals People Arrived In North America 20,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

Jan Bartek – An unexpected archaeological discovery sheds new light on the arrival of the first people in North America. Scientists suggest people reached North America more than 30,000 years ago or simply said, nearly 20,000 years earlier than previously thought. While studying ancient agricultural practices in the Tehuacan Valley in Mexico, scientists from […]

Elk Tooth Rattlers And People’s Dance 8,000 Years Ago

Conny Waters – – In the Stone Age, some 8,000 years ago, people danced often and in a psychedelic way, according to a new study. Elk teeth unearthed in the Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov burial site in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, wear marks and location in the graves indicate that the objects were used […]

Unas (Unis): First Pharaoh Who Decorated His Burial Chamber With Pyramid Texts

Angela Sutherland  – – Among the pyramid builders of the Old Kingdom (2686 – 2181) is king Unas (also Unis, Wenis) (2375-2345 BC). The pyramid of Unas at Saqqara. Credit image – Olaf Tausch – CC BY 3.0 His main claim for fame and reputation is known today thanks to his pyramid, where for the first […]

Florida’s Windover Bog Bodies Predate The Egyptian Pyramids And Can Rewrite Ancient American History

Jan Bartek – – There is a fascinating ancient underwater cemetery in Florida, North America. It is called Windover Pond, and it is 8,000 years old. Windover Pond is older than the Great Pyramids of Egypt and can help unravel the mystery of ancient Americans. The human remains discovered in the Windover Pond can […]

Edzna: Ancient Maya City With Sophisticated Underground System Of Canals To Control Unpredictable Floods

A. Sutherland  – – Edzná is an ancient place populated in 400 BC and abandoned c. 1500 AD.  It is a Maya archaeological site in the north of the Mexican state of Campeche. Much of what is known about Edzná and its historical chronology originates from the engravings on the discovered stelae. The Great Acropolis, with the Building of the […]

Amazing Tomb Of Yuya And Tjuyu Filled With Ancient Treasures In The Valley Of The Kings

Ellen Lloyd – – Many amazing archaeological discoveries have been made in the Land of The Pharaohs. Still, archaeologists cannot often find nearly intact burials filled with the most extraordinary ancient treasures left untouched for three thousand years. Left: Mummy mask of Tjuyu – Credit: Jon Bodsworth – Right: Mummy mask of Yuya – […]

Spearhead Mound – Destroyed Burial Place Of Adena Giants?

Jan Bartek – – Unfortunately, the ancient mystery of the Spearhead Mound in Ohio, North America, will never be solved. This intriguing ancient site is a lost legacy of the Native American people. Before being destroyed, archaeologists managed to excavate parts of the mound, and the discoveries made shed some light on the American […]

Mystery Of Viking Ship Burials In Hjarnø, Denmark And Their Unusual Design

Conny Waters – – New detailed surveys of Viking age ship settings in Hjarnø, Denmark have been completed by archaeologists examining the origins and makeup of the Kalvestene grave field  (“the calf stones”), which is a grave field made up of ten small ship settings dating to the Viking Age. The place is widely […]

Gold Spiral In Early Bronze Age Grave – Unearthed

Conny Waters – – Archaeologists working in the district of Tübingen in southwest Germany have discovered the region’s earliest gold object to date. The gold wire spiral was found in the grave of an Early Bronze Age woman in Ammerbuch-Reusten, Tübingen district. source It is a spiral ring of gold wire unearthed in autumn […]