Inanna – Prominent And Highly Honored Mesopotamian Goddess

A. Sutherland  – – The goddess of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk is known as Inanna. She is frequently mentioned in academic literature. During the early Akkadian reign in Mesopotamia (c.2334-2154 BC), Inanna was ᴀssociated with Ishtar. Goddess Inanna – Credit: Adobe Stock – roomyana In the 2nd millennium BC, her cult spread […]

Curious Bannerstones Used By Prehistoric Native Americans For Unknown Purpose

Jan Bartek – – About 8,000 years ago, ancient Americans suddenly started producing unusual objects known today as bannerstones. The purpose of these curious artifacts has eluded scholars who are still in the dark trying to find out why the objects were valuable to Archaic people. Bannerstones have been unearthed in many places, mainly […]

The Sumerian King Who Received A Divine Tablet With Secrets Of The Gods And Changed History Of Mesopotamia

Ellen Lloyd – – Mesopotamia is today widely accepted as the cradle of civilization, and there is scientific evidence ancient Sumerians changed the world in many ways. Despite this knowledge, most agree the early of Mesopotamia is still shrouded in a veil of mystery. To understand what occurred in ancient Mesopotamia, one has to […]

Wadjet – Egyptian Goddess Protected Pharaohs And Was Depicted As A Cobra-Uraeus

Angela Sutherland  – – In Egyptian mythology, Wadjet is a goddess depicted as a cobra and worshiped in Lower Egypt. Wadjet was represented in the form of a cobra-uraeus. Wadjet illustration from Pantheon égyptien by Leon Jean Joseph Dubois. Image credit: Rawpixel -CC BY-SA 4.0 The Uraeus  (“rearing cobra”) in the upright form of an Egyptian cobra was […]

Underground World Of Cerra Naztarny Where The Navajo And White People Once Lived Peacefully Together

Ellen Lloyd – – Many Native American tribes have legends about secret underground worlds their ancestors once inhabited. In some accounts, these subterranean realms are so pleasant one does not want to leave the place. There are also stories of more gloomy underground worlds where it was hard for people to survive. The concept […]

Pytheas’s Voyage To The Arctic In 325 B.C. And Account Of Thule, The Strange Land Beyond

Jan Bartek – – Who was the first explorer to visit the Arctic? That is a question one cannot answer quickly. The lack of historical references dealing with early Arctic exploration and difficulties interpreting early maps and accounts of voyages pose a challenge to our understanding of the historical period during which explorers reached […]

Giant Geoglyphs Near The Golden City Jaisalmer In India’s Thar Desert May Be World’s Largest Drawings – Who Made Them And Why?

Jan Bartek – – It’s incredible how something so huge could go unnoticed for so long, but one can only be thankful these stunning drawings have finally been discovered. According to researchers, these mysterious geoglyphs hidden in India’s vast Thar Desert, near the ‘Golden City’ of Jaisalmer are so enormous they can never be […]

Edfu Texts Reveal Secrets Of Predynastic Egypt And Zep Tepi

Ellen Lloyd – – The Edfu temple is one of the most sacred buildings in Egypt. Known today as Idfu, the ancient city of Edfu located in Upper Egypt, located sixty miles south of Luxor owes its importance to the Temple of Horus. “It took from 237 to 57 BCE to build and decorate […]

Khopesh Sword – Symbolic Weapon Of The Pharaohs And Emblem OF Egyptian Deities

Angela Sutherland  – – Among many ancient weapons, we find their most unusual shapes. One such weapon is the bronze khopesh, a sickle-shaped sword, usually described as a kind of sword-ax, widely used among warriors in the ancient Near East from 3000 BC to about 1300 BC. Harpe-AO 4354 – khopesh / archaeological artifact […]

Tiny Tools And Skills Of Mysterious Toaleans People In Southernmost Sulawesi, Indonesia

Conny Waters – – New research has questioned theories that a mysterious group of hunter-gatherers from Indonesia interacted with Aboriginal Australians thousands of years ago and provides a basis for future understanding of the people who made tiny, but precise implements out of stone. Credit: Griffith University The study, published in PLOS ONE, was led by Griffith University researchers at the Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution […]