Chacmool (‘Chac-Mool’) – Intriguing Pre-Columbian Statue Found At Many Ancient Sites In Mesoamerica

A. Sutherland  – – “Chac Mool” (chacmool, or chaacmol) is one of Mexico’s most famous Pre-Columbian statues. Chac-Mool altars are generally found at the entrance to Toltec temples and other pre-Columbian cultural sites where Toltec influence was powerful, for example, Chichen Itza. Chacmool excavated by Augustus Le Plongeon (d. 1908) from the Platform of the […]

A Unique Native American Map Everyone Should See

Ellen Lloyd – – There are currently 574 federally recognized Native American tribes living scattered in different states of the United States. Before the arrival of the Europeans, the number of tribes was much more extensive. Coming into contact with the Europeans had fatal consequences for Native Americans. This unique map displays all Native […]

Boxer At Rest – Rare Sculpture And Masterpiece Of Hellenistic Bronze Art

Jan Bartek – – Art is universal and timeless, and so is our appreciation of it if it is unique and beautiful, like this magnificent bronze sculpture. Known to the modern world as the Boxer at Rest, also known as the Terme Boxer, Seated Boxer, Defeated Boxer, or Boxer of the Quirinal, this masterpiece […]

Never-Ending Battles Between God Ra And Indestructible Apophis In Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

A. Sutherland – – Unlike mythologies from other ancient cultures, Egyptian mythology does not have many terrible creatures. The most frightening monster was a gigantic and evil snake, Apophis (in Greek), while in Egypt, it was known as Apep.  Apophis in the tomb of Ramesses III.  Credit: Adobe Stock – Vermeulen-Perdaen The snake represented […]

Kap Dwa – Mysterious Two-Headed Mummified Patagonian Giant – Real Or Fake?

Ellen Lloyd – – It does occasionally happen people are born with two heads. This medical condition is known as Polycephaly or simply put, multi-headedness. The thought that giants are real should not be surprising, considering people of extreme height can be encountered in modern times.  The Giant of Illinois, Robert Pershing Wadlow was […]

Magnificent Golden Silk Cloth Made By 1 Million Spiders Is One Of The World’s Rarest Silk Textiles

Jan Bartek – – This unique golden silk textile is so magnificent you would like to buy it, but it is no ordinary cloth available in the shops. The minor workers behind this marvelous creation were as many as 1.2 million spiders! This is the largest piece of golden spider silk cloth in the […]

Did Ancient Romans Reach The Americas Long Before Columbus?

Ellen Lloyd – – Long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506), North and South America had been visited by other ancient civilizations. It is well-known that Christopher Columbus did not discover the New World in 1492. Still, many researchers suggest among these first visitors were the Vikings, Chinese, Phoenicians, and probably […]

Riddle Of Two Undeciphered Elamite Scripts

A. Sutherland  – – The Proto-Elamite script is the world’s oldest system of writing that has yet to be deciphered. This Early Bronze Age writing was briefly in use before the introduction of Elamite cuneiform. Susa III/ Proto-Elamite cylinder seal with bulls and lion, 3100-2900 BC, Louvre Museum, reference Sb 6166. Source Later, Elamite cuneiform […]

Tower Of Babel Story As Told By The Choctaw Indians And The Cherokee

Ellen Lloyd – – The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis explains why people speak different languages. The Choctaw, a Native American Indian tribe that traditionally lived in what is now southeastern Mississippi, also talk about what happened with the Tower of Babel. The Cherokee also remember days when flooding threatened […]

‘Green’ Saudi Arabia Was Home To A 350,000-Year-Old Human Settlement

Jan Bartek – – Scientists have found evidence of one of the world’s oldest Acheulean sites on the Arabian Peninsula. While excavating at the site, Al Nasim in the northern region of Hail in Saudi Arabia researchers discovered artifacts such as hand axes and stone tools used by its inhabitants. Saudi Arabia was green […]