Mysterious Ancient People Who Mastered Thought-Transmission Through Space And Spoke At Distance

A. Sutherland – – Ancient documents inform they were highly advanced people who possessed ‘not of this world’ abilities. They could speak at a distance and master thought transmission through space. This ancient race remains shrouded in mystery. Eager to learn more about these unusual people, members of a secret expedition visited the region […]

A 1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Accidentally Unearthed In Ancient City Of Yavne, Israel

Conny Waters – – A 1,600-year-old mosaic was recently discovered during archaeological excavations in the central town of Yavne, Israel. An impressive old mosaic will be placed on public display at the city’s cultural center. A 1,600-year-old mosaic on display in Yavne on April 26, 2021. Image credit: ᴀssaf Peretz, Israeli Antiquities Authority This […]

Spectacular Victory Tower Dedicated To Hindu God Vishnu And Pioneered By King Rana Kumbha

A.Sutherland  – – Many spectacular architectural masterworks of India, like temples, mosques, monoliths, statues, gigantic forts, palaces, universities, and tombs, are left in legacy by the country’s builders. One of them is the famous Victory Tower (Vijaya Stambh) at Chittorgarh fort, located in Chittorgarh city, Rajasthan, western India. Tower of Victory (Jaya Stambh) erected […]

Nakano Takeko – Courageous Female Samurai Who Died Tragically While Defending The Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle

Ellen Lloyd – – Nakano Takeko had a choice. She could marry or die in battle. She chose the latter. Having the heart and spirit of a true female Samurai, Nakano Takeko was determined not to be taken alive by the enemy. She led her Samurai women straight into the fire of the imperial […]

Gothic Warrior With Rare Sword Unearthed In Thessaloniki, Greece

Jan Bartek – – Thessaloniki, the second-largest city in Greece got its name from the half-sister of Alexander the Great who was married to King Cᴀssander. Thessaloniki which means the “victory of the Thessalians” in Greek was founded by King Cᴀssander in 315 B.C. it’s a beautiful city rich in ancient history and culture. […]

Gengen Wer – Goose God Who Guarded The Celestial Egg Containing The Life Force In Egyptian Beliefs

A. Sutherland  – – The primeval goose shares a close relation with certain deities from ancient Egyptian mythology. Among these is Gengen-Wer, an archaic Egyptian god represented by a goose. This deity was seen as an embodiment of creative energy and was linked to the myths surrounding the creation of the world in ancient […]

Meaning Of Ancient Hand Signs We Still Use Today

Conny Waters – – Hand signs can be an excellent way to express emotions. People have used hand signs to communicate and insult each other for thousands of years. Many hand signs we use today are deeply rooted in the past. Many of our most common hand signs were popular in ancient Rome and […]

Mysterious Death Of Cambyses II – Natural, Suicide Or ᴀssᴀssination By Darius I The Great?

Ellen Lloyd – – As the eldest son of Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II had an obligation to expand the Achaemenid Empire founded by his father. It was a duty he gladly undertook and successfully carried out. Nevertheless, at the end of his life, history shows Cambyses II’s power for glory and military success […]

DNA Of 10,000-Year-Old Skeletal Remains And Kinship Of Earliest World Settlers

Conny Waters – – Researchers from several universities around the world have studied ancient burial sites linked to some of the earliest houses in history around 10,000 – 8,000 years ago. “I think this new burial practice has to do with a changing social structure and there may have been more reliance on defining […]

Meskiaggasher: Legendary Founder Of The First Dynasty Of Uruk Who ‘Entered The Sea And Disappeared’

A. Sutherland  – – According to surviving clay tablet dated by the scribe who wrote around 2125 BC during the reign of King Utukhegal of Erech (Uruk), we read: ‘ After the Flood, a dramatic and devastating event, the kingship had descended from heaven, and Kish became the seat of kingship. In Kish, twenty-three […]